Albóndegas de avea / Oats meatless meatballs

Albóndegas de avea

albóndegas avea

Xa sei o que estaredes pensando, albóndegas de avea?!? Iso pensei eu a primeira vez que mo dixeron, pero o certo é que unha vez que as probas, só tes gana de preparalas unha e outra vez. O bo que teñen é que se lle poden engadir verduriñas. Eu, desta vez, engadinlle cenoria e cabaciño. Ademáis, son moi moi moi doadas de facer, e moi rápidas, polo que vos poderán sacar dun apuriño cando non teñades moito tempo para cociñar. E se todo isto fora pouco, o mellor é que son moi saudables. Imos aló!

Ingredientes para unhas 15 albóndegas:

– 100 gramos de avea
– auga fervendo
– 1/2 cabaciño
– 1 cenoria
– sal
– especias (opcional)
– prebe de tomate caseiro
– 1/2 cebola (para o prebe de tomate)

Preparación paso a paso:

1. Fervemos auga nun cazo e poñemos os 100 gramos de avea nun bol. Agora só temos que ir engandindo auga fervendo ao bol de avea, mesturando cun garfo e procurando desfacer a avea ata formar unha masa.

albóndegas avea

2. Por outra banda, relamos o cabaciño e a cenoria e fritímolos. Cando xa estean no seu punto, engadímolos á masa de avea. Salgamos e engadimos as especias que queiramos. (Kukiconsello: se vedes que a masa vos quedou moi húmida, podedes engadir fariña).

albóndegas avea

3. Nunha tixola, iremos fritindo a media cebola, e cando xa estea practicamente fritida, engadimos o prebe de tomate.

4. Formamos albóndegas coa masa e poñémolas no prebe para que se mollen ben e estean ben quentiñas. Deixámolas no prebe uns 5 minutiños. E listo!

albóndegas avea

En canto acabedes de formar as boliñas, recordade lavar ben o bol, pois se se seca, dá moito choio lavalo despois 😉 En canto ás especias, podedes engadirlle as que máis vos gusten, incluso especias típicas de carne: sazonadores de carne, barbacoa…así, aínda se parecerán máis ás albóndegas de toda a vida. Podedes probar a non dicirlle aos comensais de que están feitas, a ver se son quen de atinar! 🙂 E, como xa vos dixen, pódenselle engadir outras verduras, queixo…ou sen nada! Están moi boas de tódalas maneiras!


Oats meatless meatballs

albóndegas avea

I know what you must be thinking, oats meatballs?!? And that is exactly what I thought (and said) the first time I heard about these meatless meatballs, but the truth is that once you prepare them or try them, you will be waiting to do it again and again. The good thing about these non-meatballs is that you can add different ingredients to them. In this recipe, I decided to add some carrot and zucchini. Besides, they’re veeery veeery simple to prepare, and so quick this will be one of those recipes you will think of when you do not have much time to cook. And apart from all this advantages, they’re healthy too. Let’s go!

Ingredients for c. 15 meatballs:

– 100 gr oats
– some boiling water
– 1/2 zucchini
– 1 carrot
– salt
– some spices (optional)
– homemade tomato sauce
– 1/2 onion (for the sauce)

Step by step preparation:

1. Boil some water in a pan and put 100 gr oatsin a bowl. Now just add boiling water to the oats while mixing and smashing them with a fork until you get a some sort of dough, similar to that of cookies.

albóndegas avea

2. On the other hand, grate the zucchini and the carrot and fry them. When already fried, add them to the oats. Salt and add some spices. This is optional but it will give them a nice flavour. (Kukitip: if you see the oats dough is too wet, you can add some flour).

albóndegas avea

3. In a saucepam, fry 1/2 onion at a low-medium temperature until it looks transparent. And then, add the tomato sauce. (Or any other sauce you prefer)

4. Form balls and put them over the tomato sauce. Let them fry for a while with the sauce, for about 5 minutes will be perfect. And that’s it!

albóndegas avea

As soon as you end up forming the balls, wash the bowl, because if it becomes dry, it will be much harder to wash. 😉 About the spices, you can add your favourite, or even those you usually use for meat; thus, their flavour will be even more like real meatballs. And id you prepare them, you can play with your family to see if they can guess what they’re made of 🙂 And, as I told you, you can add other veggies, cheese, or just the oats! They are yummy in any way!

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