Chulas de Entroido / Carnival puffs

Chulas de Entroido

Despois das chulas de cabaza, de alcachofas e de bacallau, tocaba facer as chulas de Entroido de sempre, as de toda a vida! Iso si, aquí teño que recoñecer que tiven que pedir axuda. Sempre que intento facer as chulas na casa, sáenme ben, mais non me saen tan ben, tan esponxosas, taaan redondiñas, xeitosas e saborosas coma as de miña nai, así que fíxenas con ela (ou máis ben fíxoas ela) a ver se se me pegaba algo. E ademais, fun pouco a pouco pesando os ingredientes, porque ela sempre o fai así segundo lle parece porque xa lle ten o truco pillado. E eu, para contarvos a receita, precisaba poñervos as cantidades para que vos poidan quedar tan ben coma as de miña nai 😉 Imos aló!


– 6 ovos
– 200 gramos de fariña
– 1 sobre de fermento químico (16 gramos)
– 1 ou 2 culleradas de azucre
– azucre en po

Preparación paso a paso:

1. Mesturamos os ovos, o fermento e a fariña.

2. Engadimos o azucre e mesturamos de novo.

3. Deixamos que a masa repouse durante un par de horas. Se tedes moita presa, media horiña tamén vale 😉 Veredes que lle saíron unhas burbullas. Antes de fritir, non volveremos mesturar de novo.

4. Co aceite ben quente, imos botando culleradas da nosa mestura.

5. Despois darémoslle a volta e deixaremos que se fagan polo outro lado. Sacámolas deixando que se escorran ben e poñémolas sobre papel absorbente.

6. Despois só temos que esparexer azucre en po e listo!

Mirade que fermosura por dentro!!!

Que vos vou contar que non se vexa xa!?!? A receita destas chulas de Entroido é moi sinxela e o resultado é excepcional! Aproveitemos estes días de Entroido para papar tódalas lambonadas máis ou menos doces que temos nesta época! Non vos esquezades de dar unha voltiña polo blogue e ver tódalas receitas de Entroido que xa fixemos! E se tedes algunha receita de Entroido especial que vos gustaría ver aquí, non dubidedes en deixarnos un comentario aquí ou nas redes sociais e poñémonos mans á obra! A masa destas chulas non queda moi doce, mais como despois lles botamos o azucre en po por riba, xa o compensa. De todas maneiras, miña nai sempre lle engade algo de azucre á masa. Sempre podedes ir probando ata que deades coa dozura que máis vos guste! 😀 Bo proveito e a papar o Entroido!!!


Carnival puffs

After preparing pumpkin, artichoke and cod fritters, it was about time to prepare the most typical ones, the Carnival puffs! I’ve changed the name because these are very fluffy and spongy. Every time I tried to make them at home, they are really delicious, but not as much as my mom’s, so I decided to go to her house and prepare them together so I can learn a bit from her. Well, actually, she made all the process and I helped 😉 trying to measure all ingredients so I can say them to you. I hope with this recipe you can get puffs as incredibly round, perfect, spongy and yummy as those my mum makes! Let’s go!


– 6 eggs
– 200 gr flour
– 1 sachet baking powder (16 grams)
– 1 or 2 tbsp caster sugar
– powdered sugar

Step by step preparation:

1. Whisk eggs, baking powder and flour.

2. Add sugar and whisk again.

3. Let the batter set for a couple of hours. If you’re in a hurry, just let it set for around 1/2 an hour. After that, you’ll see the batter has some bubbles on top. Don’t whisk it now.

4. In a pan with plenty of hot oil, add tablespoons of batter.

5. Then, flip them over and let them cook on both sides until golden brown. Take them out and put them over kitchen towel so it absorbs the extra oil.

6. Dust puffs with powdered sugar and that’s it!

Look how spongy they are on the inside!

I can be here all day telling you all about how delicious these puffs are, but with this image, you have it all, haven’t you? In Galicia, Carnivals is a time to eat super delicious dishes, both sweet and savoury, so if you have the chance of coming here at this time, please do it! You won’t regret it! Though your belly may end up reeeally full! (no exaggerating!) The batter of this puffs is not very sweet, but the powdered sugar gives it the sweet touch we need. However, my mom always adds some sugar to the batter. You can try with or without it until you get your own favourite version! Enjoy Carnival and its typical food!!!

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