Torta de queixo sen forno / No-bake cheesecake

Torta de queixo sen forno

No-bake cheesecake

Se vos gustan as tortas de queixo, apuntade esta porque vos vai encantar! É moi rápida de facer, nuns sinxelos pasos xa estará lista e ademáis non precisades o forno. E o sabor e a textura son…mmm…incribles! Fresquiña e sen forno, esta torta é perfecta para o verán. Imos aló!


– 1 litro de tona (crema de leite)
– 2 tarrinas de queixo Philadelphia (de 200 gramos cada unha)
– 1 vaso de azucre
– 1 vaso de leite
– 2 sobres de callada
– caramelo (caseiro ou mercado)
– galletas tipo María

Preparación paso a paso:

1. Facemos o caramelo caseiro empregando 200 gramos de azucre. (Podedes ver como facelo aquí) E botámolo sobre o molde onde queremos facer a torta.

2. Desfacemos os dous sobres de callada no vaso de leite.

No-bake cheesecake

3. Nun bol, mesturamos tódolos ingredientes (agás o caramelo e as galletas) e batemos ben.

No-bake cheesecake

4. Nunha pota, quentamos a mestura ata que estea a punto de ferver. (Facédeo a lume lento e remexendo co batedor) E botámola sobre o caramelo.

No-bake cheesecake

5. Cando xa estea un chisco asentada, pero sen estar fría de todo (uns minutiños despois de botalo no molde), iremos colocando as galletas, cubrindo tódolos ocos.

No-bake cheesecake

6. Metémola na neveira para que arrefríe (eu deixeina de un día para outro) e cando xa estea lista, só temos que darlle a volta.

No-bake cheesecake

E listo! Xa vedes que non ten complicación ningunha, os ingredientes son ben doados de atopar e o sabor encantaravos.


No-bake cheesecake

No-bake cheesecake

If you like cheesecake, you’re gonna love this recipe! It’s very quick to prepare, in a few easy steps and using no oven, you’ll get the tastiest cheesecake ever! And the flavour and the texture are…mmm…incredible! As it is so fresh and needs no baking, it’s the perfect cheesecake for summer. Let’s go!


– 1 L milk cream
– 400 gr Philly cheese
– 1 cup sugar
– 1 cup milk
– 2 sachets rennet powder
– caramel (homemade or manufactured)
– Marie biscuits

Step by step preparation:

1. If you want to make homemade caramel, it’s time do prepare it. You can see the recipe here. I did it with 200 gr sugar. After doing it, pour it over the mould.

2. Dissolve the rennet powder in the cup of milk.

No-bake cheesecake

3. In a bowl, mix all the ingredients, except caramel and biscuits and beat until all well integrated.

No-bake cheesecake

4. In a pan, heat the mixture until it starts to boil (but don’t let it boil). (You will have to do it at a low-medium temperature while stirring with a wire whisk) and pour it over the mould.

No-bake cheesecake

5. When set, but not being completely cold (just wait a couple of minutes after pouring it), put the biscuits on top, filling all the blank spaces.

No-bake cheesecake

6. Put it in the fridge and allow to cool (I did it the previous day) and then, you’ll just have to turn it over a dish or tray.

No-bake cheesecake

And that’s it! No complications at all, the very-easy-to-find ingredients, and the amazing flavour make this cheesecake one of the best cheesecakes in the world!

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