Pementos do piquillo recheos de gambas
Gústame moito preparar pementos do piquillo recheos porque resultan unha receita moi socorrida, na que podemos empregar distintos recheos: peixe, carne, verduras… e prepárase nun plis. Ata o de agora, sempre preparara os pementos cun prebe de tomate e pemento (recheos de atún e recheos de cogomelos) mais desta vez, a receita vai algo diferente, e o que faremos será fritilos. O sabor, coma sempre, espectacular, e o recheo, xa sabedes, a gustos! Polo demais, un paso a paso moi doado e rápido, que fará que todos relamban os dedos. Imos aló!
Ingredientes para 12 pementos recheos:
– uns 250 gramos de gambas
– 1/2 cebola
– 12 pementos do piquillo
– 2 culleradas de fariña
– leite para a bechamel
– sal
– fariña e ovo para rebozar
Preparación paso a paso:
1. Fritimos as gambas xunto coa cebola ben picada ata que cambien de cor, procurando non facelas de mais.
2. Engadimos as dúas culleradas de fariña e fritimos ben para que a bechamel non teña despois sabor a fariña.
3. E imos engadindo leite ata que teñamos unha bechamel cremosa e que poidamos despegar da tixola con facilidade. Salgamos.
4. Despois, agardamos a que o recheo arrefríe e enchemos os pementos empregando unha culler pequena.
5. Pasámolos por fariña.
6. E por ovo.
7. E fritímolos en abundante aceite na tixola. E listo!
Se esta receita xa é rápida de por si, ao facelos así fritidos, aínda se acaba antes. Ademais, desta maneira, pódense facer en pinchos sobre unha rebanda de pan, ou nunha ensalada, ou case de calquera maneira. Non agardedes moito a preparalos e xa veredes como en nada estades repetindo de novo, porque de verdade que paga ben a pena. Bo proveito!
Piquillo peppers stuffed with shrimps
I love preparing stuffed piquillo peppers because it is a recipe you can make with different ingredients and you do not need much time to have them ready and they look oh-so-good! You can fill them with many different fillings: fish, meat, veggies…and in no time! Up to now, I have always prepared them with a tomato and peppers sauce (with tuna and with mushrooms), but I remembered the first time I tried these peppers in Donostia and I had them fried, so I wanted to try them like that as well. The flavour is incredible, as usual, and the step by step super simple. Let’s go!
Ingredients para 12 peppers:
– around 250 gr shrimps
– 1/2 onion
– 12 piquillo peppers
– 2 tbsp flour
– milk for the white sauce
– salt
– flour and egg for coating
Step by step preparation:
1. Saute shrimps with chopped onion until both change their colour, trying not to overcook shrimps or they’ll be too dry.
2. Add flour and fry for a while, so the white sauce won’t have a floury flavour.
3. Add milk bit by bit until we get s super smooth white sauce which can be easily separated from the pan. Salt.
4. Then, wait for the filling to be less hot and stuff the peppers using a teaspoon.
5. Coat in flour…
6. and egg.
7. And fry in plenty of hot olive oil on both sides. And that’s it!
If this recipe is usually super quick, by frying them , you make an even quicker version! Besides, this way, you can place them on top of bread as a snack, or in a salad. Don’t wait too much to try it because I am sure you won’t regret it and you will be preparing them now and then. Enjoy!