Cottage Pie

Cottage Pie

Ata o de agora, cando ía de viaxe, sempre mercaba un marca-páxinas, e a verdade é que xa levo unha chea deles dende que comecei a colección, moitas veces grazas a amigos e familia que tamén me traen cando van de viaxe. Mais hai un tempo que tamén recibo e merco libros de cociña que falen sobre receitas típicas do sitio no que estou. Cando fun a Londres durante a Pascua, dei cun marabilloso libro que, ademais de ter unhas ilustracións moi fermosas, ten unhas receitas típicas inglesas con ingredientes naturais, da horta e da granxa, que son cos que eu máis gozo. O libro chámase: The Great British Farmhouse Cookbook e está escrito por Sarah Mayor. En canto o abrín, souben que a primeira receita que faría sería esta. A Cottage Pie ven sendo un prato moi sinxelo, basicamente carne e patacas, polo que se a materia prima é boa, o resultado ten que ser espectacular. Eu fixen a miña propia versión apta para vexetarianos, mais se sodes máis de carne, xa vos direi como facer a receita orixinal.

Ingredientes para 2 persoas:

– 1 cebola xeitosa
– 2 cenorias
– 400 gramos de carne de tenreira picada OU 200 gramos de soia texturizada (que foi o que eu empreguei)
– prebe de tomate
– viño tinto
– tomiño ao gusto, sal e pementa
– 4 patacas
– leite, manteiga e noz moscada para o puré

Preparación paso a paso:

1. Picamos a cebola e as cenorias e fritímolas en 2 ou 3 culleradas de aceite de oliva ata que estean brandas.

2. A continuación, engadimos a soia texturizada (previamente remollada) ou a carne. Fritimos durante uns minutos, e engadimos pementa, sal e tomiño.

3. Vertemos o viño tinto e mailo prebe de tomate e deixamos que ferva a lume baixo e se reduza o líquido. A cantidade de viño ou de prebe depende do sabor que lle queirades dar, por iso non vos poño cantidades exactas.

4. Por outra banda, cocemos as patacas en auga salgada ata que estean brandas e facemos un puré cun garfo, para que non quede fino de máis e teña a textura perfecta.

5. Despois, engadimos manteiga e leite ata que teña unha consistencia suave e cremosa.

6. E por último, probamos de sal e engadimos máis se fixera falta, xunto coa noz moscada.

7. Para facer a cottage pie, podedes empregar calquera molde de forno. Eu empreguei estas pequenas cocottes. Comezamos cunha base de ‘carne’ ata cubrir máis ou menos a metade do molde.

8. E tapamos co puré de patacas. Non se engade queixo.

9. Enfornamos a 200ºC durante uns 25-40 minutos ou ata que vexades que o puré comeza a torrarse por riba e o recheo de abaixo comeza a asomar 🙂 E listo!

A verdade é que un prato moi saboroso! E aínda que parece que son moitos pasos, non leva moito tempo preparalo. É un prato ideal para facer cando temos convidados, pois mantense moito tempo quente e os seus ingredientes acostuman a gustar a nenos e maiores. Eu recoméndovos moito que o fagades, o puré queda moi suave e crocante e casa taaan ben co prebe de tomate e viño tinto da carne ou da soia que vos aseguro que acabaredes lambendo o prato. Ou así fixen eu, polo menos! 😀 BO PROVEITO!!!


Cottage Pie

When I go on a trip, I usually buy some bookmarks because it’s something I started collecting some years ago, and the truth is that I have quite a few of them, taking into account I always ask my friends and family to bring me some wherever they go. But this habit has been changing lately and I have started to buy a cookbook every time I visit a new place. The last one I bought was in London and I bought it because it’s a book in which recipes are made with simple ingredients, and with homegrown products, which is something I’m really fond of. The book is: The Great British Farmhouse Cookbook, by Sara Mayor. The illustrations are really beautiful and, apart from that, the recipes are typical British recipes everyone will absolutely love. As soon as I open it, I knew this was the first recipe I was going to prepare. The cottage pie is a very simple, basically meat and mashed potatoes, so if the ingredients you’re using are high-quality, the recipe will be awesome. I made my own vegetarian version with textured soybeans, but you can of course change it and use veal, as in the original recipe.

Ingredients for 2 people:

– 1 big onion
– 2 carrots
– 400 gr minced veal OR 200 gr textured soybeans
– tomato sauce
– red wine
– thyme, salt and pepper
– 4 potatoes
– milk, butter and grounded nutmeg for the mashed potatoes

Step by step preparation:

1. Chop onion and carrots and saute them in 2 or 3 tbsp olive oil until soft.

2. Then, add textured soybeans (already soaked) or meat. Saute for some minutes more,, and add salt, pepper and thyme.

3. Pour some wine and tomato sauce and let it simmer over a medium heat until liquid is consumed. The amount of wine or sauce depends on the flavour you want to give to it, so taste until you get your desired flavour.

4. Boil potatoes in salted water until soft and mash them with a fork, so it has the perfect texture.

5. Then, add in milk and butter until creamy and smooth.

6. And last, taste and add salt (if needed) and nutmeg.

7. To prepare the pie, pour the ‘meat’ mixture in a baking mould (I used these super cute cocottes) until half of the mould.

8. And top with some mashed potato until you get to the top. No cheese is added.

9. Bake at 200ºC/400ºF for around 25-40 minutes or until the mashed potato gets a golden brown colour on top, and the ‘meat’ mixture starts pouring out! 🙂 And that’s it!

The truth is that I’m in love with this recipe ever since I prepare it for the first time. And although it looks like a difficult recipe with many steps, it is not, and it is the perfect dish to prepare when we have guests at home, as it keeps hot for a long time, and its ingredients will be loved by everyone. I highly recommend you to prepare it! The mashed potato is crunchy on top, and super soft inside, and it goes so well with either meat or textured soybeans you’re gonna end up licking the mould, or so did I 😀 ENJOY!!!

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