Madalenas XXL
Xa había tempo que non tocaba unha receita de madalenas, non si? A min é unha lambonada que me gusta moito! Son xeitosas para poder levalas ao traballo, ao recreo, para merendar, para almorzar, de sobremesa…e se son caseiras coma estas, sempre moito mellor! Non sei se a vós vos pasou algunha vez, mais a min seeempre me pasaba. Cando ía a algunha cafetería, pastelaría, e pedía unha madalena, pensaba: e por que a min non me sairá así de gordiñas e altas? Primeiro comecei por mercar uns moldes iguais, e despois a facer probas, probas e probas ata dar coa receita definitiva! E aquí está!!! Coma sempre, pódense variar ingredientes para darlles distintos sabores, ou recheos. Imos aló!
Ingredientes para 6 madalenas XXL:
– 375 gramos de fariña
– 1 sobre de fermento químico (uns 16 gramos)
– 1/2 culleradiña de sal
– 2 ovos
– 100 gramos de azucre branco
– 100 gramos de azucre moreno
– 250 ml de leite amargo (250 ml de leite + zume de limón)
– 125 ml de manteiga desfeita ou aceite de oliva suave
– chocolate branco en anaquiños
– azucre para esparexer
Preparación paso a paso:
1. Prequentamos o forno a 220ºC.
2. Mesturamos tódolos ingredientes secos agás os azucres: fariña, fermento e sal.
3. Despois batemos os ovos cos azucres, o leite amargo, e a manteiga ou aceite.
4. Mesturamos ámbalas dúas mesturas e engadimos os anacos de chocolate.
5. Enchemos os moldes case ata arriba, botamos azucre e enfornamos as madalenas a 220º durante 5 minutos e despois baixamos a 200º para que se acaben de facer durante uns 20 minutos ou ata que estean douradiñas por riba. E listo!
O truquiño de mesturar os ingredientes secos por un lado e os húmidos por outro sempre funciona e simplifica moito o proceso. Ademais, sempre hai que botar a mestura húmida na seca e non bater de máis! Se seguides estes pequenos trucos e con esta súper receita, habedes ter unhas madalenas para chorar de felicidade! 😀 A min non me quedaban framboesas, senón habíalle botar unhas poucas. Aínda que non me preocupa moito porque has vou volver facer en…dous días! (Porque xa só me quedan 2!) Probade esta marabilla de magdalenas con moito tino, son moi aditivas! 🙂
Mirade por dentro que pinta!!!
XXL muffins
It’s been pretty long since I haven’t written a muffins recipe, but this is because I’ve been trying to find the perfect muffins recipe! I love muffins because you can take them to work, to school, have it as a dessert, a snack, for breakfast…no matter when or where, you can always have a delicious muffin. I don’t know what you think, but this is something which usually happens to me, when I went to a café, or a bakery and I asked for a muffin, I always got that super big, fluffy, XXL muffins I absolutely love!!! But I could never make them at home because mine were always smaller. And that’s why I decided to buy these tulip papers and try until I get the perfect recipe. And here it is! You can, of course, try other fillings, toppings and flavours. Let’s go!
Ingredients for 6 XXL muffins:
– 375 gr flour
– 1 sachet baking powder (around 16 grams)
– 1/2 tsp salt
– 2 eggs
– 100 gr white sugar
– 100 brown sugar
– 250 ml buttermilk
– 125 ml melted butter / olive oil
– white chocolate chips
– sugar for topping
Step by step preparation:
1. Preheat oven at 220ºC/425ºF.
2. Mix all dry ingredients except sugars: flour, baking powder and salt.
3. And them whisk eggs, sugars, buttermilk and butter or oil.
4. Whisk both mixtures and add the chopped chocolate.
5. Fill muffin tulips almost to the top, top with some sugar and bake them at 220ºC/425ºF for 5 minutes and then for another 20 minutes or so at 200ºC/400ºF or until they get a bright golden colour on top. And that’s it!
The trick in this recipe is to mix dry and wet ingredients separately and then whisk them together always adding the wet ones to the dry ones, and trying not to overmix, so as soon as both mixtures are integrated, we stop! With these simple little tricks, you’ll get the fluffiest and most delicious muffins ever! 😀 I haven’t got any raspberries around, but I’m making these muffins again using these and other berries! And I’ve got only 2 muffins left, so I’m making them this week again 😉 Taste these super tasty XXL muffins and you will put them first in your favourite recipes list!
Look at the inside!!!