Rosquillas fritidas
Pensando en receitas galegas para seguir ampliando o receitario, decateime que aínda non tiña a receita das rosquillas. E como iso non podía ser, comezou a miña pesquisa para atopar unha boa receita rosquilleira. O primeiro que fixen foi falar con miña nai e preguntarlle como as facía ela. E grazas a iso descubrín un pequeno grande tesouro que me encheu de ledicia. Garda miña nai un receitario pequeno que miña avoa escribiu hai uns 50 anos. E entre as receitas, esta receita de rosquillas que a continuación vos escribo. Eu fíxena tal e como poñía a miña avoa (e así vola poñerei aquí), sen variar nada e saíron unhas rosquillas boísimas!!! D
Ingredientes para unhas 20 rosquillas:
– 1 ovo
– 1 medida de cunca de café de aceite fritido
– 1 medida de leite fervido (non leite cru)
– 1 medida de azucre
– 1 cullerada de royal
– 500 gramos de fariña*
– reladura de limón ou de laranxa
– azucre moído ou canela
*A cantidade de fariña dos ingredientes é 500 gramos, mais despois na preparación pon a que admita a masa sen quedar moi dura. Eu empreguei 360 gramos.
Preparación paso a paso:
1. Mestúranse o aceite, o leite, a xema de ovo, o azucre, a reladura, o royal e a clara a punto de neve.
2. Vaise engadindo a fariña pouco a pouco ata que a masa non se pegue nas mans nin quede moi dura.
3. Dáselle forma de rosquilla e frítese en abundante aceite ben quente.
4. Esparexemos azucre moído ou canela. E listo!
As receitas da miña avoa eran ben sinxelas e o seu sabor… incrible!!! Non quedan duriñas, mais si crocantes por fora e moi suaves por dentro. O sabor da reladura dálle un toque moi sabedeiro, mais se vos gusta máis, podedes probar a facelas con anís. Eu, desta vez, quería facelas tal e como as facía a miña avoa e por iso non variei ningún ingrediente. E non podo estar máis feliz polo resultado, e por ter este receitario da avoa. GRAZAS! 🙂
Fried doughnuts
Thinking about Galician recipes to add to my own personal recipe book, I realized I haven’t prepare Galician doughnuts yet, and I had to! So, I started my own personal investigation to find the most delicious one! Thr first thing I did, as I usually do when searching for recipes, is asking my family. I called my mum and I asked her to tell me her own doughnuts recipe, but she had something better! A recipe book which belonged to my grandma!!! I was so happy! 😀 My mom keeps this recipe book my granny wrote around 50 years ago. Among the many recipes, this why I’m going to write here. I did it following the exact instructions my grandma once wrote, and that’s the way I’m writing it here. I can now say my grandma made the best Galician doughnuts I’ve ever tried! I’m so lucky!!! and so are you 😉 Let’s go!
Ingredients for 20 doughnuts:
*the measures of oil, milk and sugar are made using a small coffee cup
– 1 egg
– 1 small coffee cup of fried oil (oil you’ve already used to fry)
– 1 small coffee cup of boiled milk (meaning non raw)
– 1 small coffee cup of sugar
– 1 tbsp baking powder
– 500 gr plain flour*
– 1 lemon or 1 orange zest
– powdered sugar or ground cinnamon
*The amount of flour in the ingredients list is of 500 grams, but then, in the instructions, it specifies it depends on the dough and you’ll have to use enough to get a unsticky dough. I just used 360.
Step by step preparation:
1. Mix oil, milk, egg yolk, sugar, zest, baking powder and the egg white (whisk until stiff peaks are formed).
2. Add flour bit by bit until the dough does not stick to your hands.
3. Shape doughnuts and fry in plenty of hot oil.
4. Sprinkle some powdered sugar or cinnamon. And that’s it!
As you will check, my grandma’s recipes were incredibly flavourful!!! And so easy! They’re not hard at all, just crunchy on the outside and smooth and fluffy on the inside. If you prefer them with an anise flavour, just add some to the dough. I didn’t do it because I wanted to follow my granny’s recipe and do them just like she did, but I’m sure they’ll be as delicious with anise. I cannot be happier with the result and knowing I have this lovely treasure at home. THANK YOU! 🙂