Wok de verduras / Veggies stir-fry

Wok de verduras

wok de verduras

Moitas veces pásanos que cando imos comer fóra, probamos as verduras e sábennos de medo e despois chegamos á casa e semella que sempre nos saben iguais. E cal é o segredo para ese sabor tan incrible que teñen as verduriñas nos restaurantes? Pois son varios pequenos truquiños que, ademais, fan que a verduras conserven tódolos seus nutrientes. Non vos fago agardar máis e imos aló!

Ingredientes para 2 persoas:

– 1/4 col lombarda en tiras
– 1 brócoli cortado en arboliños
– 1/2 cabaciña (se é grande) en tiras feitas co pelador
– 1 cenoria en tiras feitas co pelador
– prebe de soia
– aceite de sésamo
– sementes de sésamo negras
– xenxibre en po

Preparación paso a paso:

1. O primeiro truco, xa fagamos as verduras nun wok ou nunha tixola, é ter o aceite ben quente (1 ou 2 culleradas). Para iso, non podemos deixar de remexer as verduras para que non se queimen. Así, quedarán crocantes por fora e faranse ben por dentro sen facerse de máis e, polo tanto, sen perder os nutrientes.

2. Comezamos coa lombarda en tiras.

wok de verduras

3. Engadimos os arboliños de brócoli e salteamos de novo.

wok de verduras

4. E, por último, as tiras de cabaciña e cenoria, que como son tan finiña faranse nun plis. Salgamos.

wok de verduras

5. Engadimos un chorriño de soia e probamos de sal. Salteamos ben para que se reparta a soia por tódalas verduras. E listo!

wok de verduras

Antes de servir, botamos as sementes de sésamo negras ou ben das de sempre, un chorriño de aceite de sésamo virxe extra para darlle un toque diferente e o xenxibre en po, que lle dará un aroma e un sabor incribles. Asegúrovos que as verduras así están boísimas. Eu non era moi seareira do brócoli cocido, mais así gústacheme ben. E en canto ás verduras, pódense empregar todas aquelas que vos gusten. Desta vez, non tiña xudías nin tirabeques porque non as hai na horta, pero non deixedes de probalas así tamén, xa veredes que vicio. Bo proveito!!!


Veggies stir-fry

wok de verduras

It sometimes happens that when we eat out, we try some veggies that taste like heaven and we try to prepare them at home, no matter what we do, or how, or which ingredients we use. They will never taste the same way, until now! And which is the secret? Well, in fact, it’s just some little tricks and ingredients you can use to turn your boring veggies into a delicious dish everybody will love. Wait no more and take notes!

Ingredients for 2:

– 1/4 red cabbage into strips
– 1 broccoli separated in flowers
– 1/2 zucchini (if big) strips with a peeler
– 1 carrot strips with a peeler
– soy sauce
– sesame oil
– black sesame seeds
– ground ginger

Step by step preparation

1. The first and most important trick is to have oil really hot to sauté veggies, no matter if you use a wok or a pan. And not a lot of oil, just 1 or 2 tablespoons depending on the quantity of veggies. Another important thing is to keep the pan moving all the time, so veggies cook and don’t stick to the pan or get burned.

2. Start with red cabbage because it’s harder than the rest of the ingredients, but if you like it crispier, just cook it at the end.

wok de verduras

3. Add broccoli flower and sauté again.

wok de verduras

4. And last, the zucchini and carrot strips. They’re super thin so they’ll cook immeadiately. Salt.

wok de verduras

5. Add a dash of soy sauce and taste. Sauté for a while so soy sauce gets all over the veggies. And that’s it!

wok de verduras

When it’s time to serve, add sesame seeds (black or regular), a dash of sesame oil and some ground ginger, which will give a super delicious flavour and scent. These veggies are incredibly flavourful!!! I’m not a big fan of boiled broccoli but I love it sautéed. It keeps the flavour and the texture, and therefore, all the nutrients. If you fancy other vegetables, try them as well! I love beans or snow peas like this! You’ll see hot the flavour totally changes! So if you have them around, use them as well, or any other you like. Enjoy!!!

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