Vasos de iogur e cereixas / Cherry and yoghurt parfait

Vasos de iogur e cereixas

yoghurt cherry

Chegou a calor e chegou con ganas! E cando ven, devecemos por pratos e sobremesas fresquiñas. Estes vasiños son do máis sinxeliño que hai. Con só uns poucos ingredientes frescos e naturais, teremos unha sobremesa ou un almorzo de 10. Estes vasos, ademais, son moi saudábeis e, para facelos, non precisaremos nadiña de azucre. A única lambonada son esas dúas cereixas recheas que vedes na imaxe. Recheas? Sisi, están recheas! Non agardes máis e bótalle un ollo á receita, xa verás que divertida e saborosa! Imos aló!

Ingredientes para 2 vasiños:

– 200 gramos de cereixas
– 1 chisco de auga
– un chisco de mel
– 300 gramos de iogur natural sen azucre ou queixo fresco batido
– flocos de avea
– chocolate branco (opcional)

Preparación paso a paso:

1. Sacámoslle a semente ás cereixas e poñémolas a ferver cun chisco de auga e un chisco de mel ata que semelle unha marmelada caseira e a auga se teña evaporado.

yoghurt cherry

2. Batemos o iogur ou o queixo fresco batido cun chisco de mel ou sirope de ágave.

3. Para facer as cereixas para decorar, abrímolas ao medio, sacámoslle a semente, botamos un chisco de chocolate desfeito no medio (onde vai a semente) e pechámolas de novo, colocándolle o rabiño. Deixámolas no conxelador durante uns 7 minutos para que pechen ben e decorámolas con máis chocolate.

yoghurt cherry

yoghurt cherry

4. No vasiño onde preparemos a receita, vertemos as cereixas, o iogur ou queixo e a avea. Decoramos coas cereixas recheas de chocolate. E listo!

yoghurt cherry

yoghurt cherry

yoghurt cherry

A froita encántame, mais as cereixas son puro vicio. Son desas froitas que non podes parar de comer, e van indo unha detrás de outra e cando te decatas, xa onde vai o prato de cereixas! Estes vasiños son moi sinxelos, non teñen nada de especial, mais están moi bos, son saudábeis e moi fresquiños. E cando chega o calor, tampouco temos moita gana de poñernos a cociñar co forno encendido, así que a tope con estas sobremesas fresquiñas!!! 😀


Cherry and yoghurt parfait

yoghurt cherry

Hot sunny days have finally arrived! And when it’s hot and sunny, we just feel like eating fresh, quick and delicious desserts! And if they can be healthy as well, they’re more than welcome. With just a few simple ingredients, you will have the perfect summer dessert, brekfast or afternoon snack! These parfaits are, besides, veeery healthy and with no sugar at all! The only extra sweet we’ve got here are those stuffed cherries on top. Did I say stuffed? Yes! Wait no more and read this delicious recipe and you’ll fall for it instantly! Let’s go!

Ingredients for 2:

– 200 gr cherries
– some water
– some honey
– 300 gr unsweetened plain yoghurt
– rolled oats
– white chocolate (optional)

Step by step preparation:

1. Pit cherries and bring them to a boil with some water and some honey until water has evaporated and it looks like jam.

yoghurt cherry

2. Beat yoghurt together with some honey or agave syrup until soft and fluffy.

3. To prepare the cherries we will use to decorate, cut them in half, pit them and pour some melted white chocolate in the middle (where the pit was), close them again, placing the stem where it was, and freeze them for 7 minutes, so the choc gets hard and the cherry closes well. Decorate with more chocolate.

yoghurt cherry

yoghurt cherry

4. In a glass or jar, pour the cherry mixture, yoghurt and top with some rolled oats and the stuffed cherries. And that’s it!

yoghurt cherry

yoghurt cherry

yoghurt cherry

I love fruit! And cherries are so delicious! You start picking them up one by one, two by two…and when you realize, you have eaten them all! These parfaits are very simple but they’re flavourful, natural, fresh and healthy! When it’s summertime, we don’t feel like having the oven on, or spending too much time in the kitchen, so this kind of desserts are the perfect option!!! 😀

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