Croquetas de leituga de mar
Hai uns días merquei unhas pouquiñas algas por varias razón, a primeira é porque xa había tempo que tiña gana de probalas, e cando digo probalas, non é cociñalas, senón literalmente, probalas. Si, semella estrano, mais nunca me vin na oportunidade de probar este manxar tan noso. De xogar con elas na praia acórdome ben, gustábame moito dar masaxes con elas aos demáis (cousas de pícaros, xa sabedes), mais nunca lles puiden meter o dente. A segunda, porque mo pidiran no blogue e, sempre que podo, gústame satisfacer as vosas peticións. E terceira, porque xa que o blogue é galego, que menos que adicarlle un recuncho a un ingrediente tan noso como as algas. A primeira receita tíñaa clara, unhas saborosísimas croquetas. Imos aló!
– 25 gramos de leituga de mar deshidratada
– 1 cebola
– fariña de centeo e leite para a bechamel
– fariña, ovo e flocos de millo (cereais) para rebozar
Preparación paso a paso:
1. Poñemos a remollo os 25 gramos de leituga de mar. Poñemos só 25 gramos porque aumentan 4 veces o seu tamaño, polo que teremos 100 gramos cando xa estean hidratadas. Deixamos que se hidraten durante uns 5 minutiños e escorrémolas.
2. Fritimos a cebola cortada en dadiños, engadimos as algas, e imos botando a fariña de centeo, deixando que se frita ben, por iso de que despois as croquetas non teñan sabor a fariña crúa. Iremos engadindo leite e cocendo a bechamel ata que a masa se despegue ben da tixola.
3. Vertemos a masa sobre un molde, tapamos cun prástico transparente para que non forme codia e deixamos que arrefríe.
4. Cortamos a masa en cadradiños.
5. E ímolas pasando por fariña, ovo e os flocos de millo esmagullados.
6. Fritimos as croquetas en abundante aceite ata que collan unha cor dourada e brillante e listo!
Estes pequenos pestiscos de mar transportaranvos a esa tranquilidade dun día de praia onde o azul do ceo e do mar se xuntan, e si, todo iso nunha trabada. A fariña de centeo é opcional, é dicir, se preferides empregar calquera outra fariña, quedarán igualmente deliciosas. Probade a masa de sal, semella que as algas engadirán sabor salgado, mais non, cómprelle sal abondo. O rebozado de flocos de millo quédalle moi ben a calquera croqueta, ou mesmo a carne ou peixe. E, segundo me pareceu a min, collen menos aceite con este rebozado que co pan relado. Probade e xa me contaredes!
Bo proveito!!!
Sea lettuce croquettes
Some days ago I bought some seaweeds for several reasons. First, and the most obvious, is because I have never tried them before and I wanted to. It may sound strange but I never had the chance of trying seaweeds and so the best way to do it was to buy them, make some recipe and try them once and for all. I remember playing with them with my brother on the beach when we were little kids, but I never thought of making myself some croquettes with them. The second reason is because one of my readers asked me to prepare something with them, and i love when you give me ideas of recipes for the blog, so here they are. And last, but not least, because in a Galician blog, there have to be some recipes with this so Galician product. First recipe with them was super obvious: these delicious croquettes!!! Let’s go!
– 25 gr dehydrated sea lettuce
– 1 onion, chopped
– rye flour and milk for the white sauce
– plain flour, egg and corn flakes for coating
Step by step preparation:
1. Soak the sea lettuce in water for 5 minutes. We just use 25 grams because they increase their volume when soaking. With these 25 grams, we’ll have 100 grams of hydrated sea lettuce. After 5 minutes, strain them.
2. Fry chopped onion, add seaweeds and add spoonfuls of rye flour, frying all really well so croquettes won’t get a raw flour flavour. Then, add milk until you get a thick paste that can be easily removed from the pan.
3. Pour mixture over a mould and cover with a plastic wrap. Allow to cool.
4. Cut croquette dough into squares.
5. Then, coat them in flour, egg and smashed corn flakes.
6. Fry corquettes in plenty of hot oil until golden bright all around. And that’s it!
Thise little pieces of sea will bring you back to those relaxing days you spend on the beach with a gentle breeze rubbing your face. And yes, all that in a single bite. Rye flour is a recommendation and you can use any other flour you have around or you like. Taste until you get the desired salty flavour, don’t think seaweeds add too much salt, they actually don’t, so taste and salt. Using corn flakes is a different and creative way of coating not only croquettes, but meat, fish or cheese. And I think food take less oil with corn flakes than with bread crumbs. Try and tell me all about it!