Despois de facer varias receitas do Entroido galego, xa tiña gana de probar algunha receita máis internacional; e remexendo pola rede descubrín estas pequenas boliñas, que veñen sendo coma as nosas rosquillas, mais en boliñas pequechas. Como supoño que se deduce polo nome, as castagnole son típicas do Entroido en Italia, e están boísimas!!! Na receita orixinal, emprégase reladura de limón, mais como eu son máis de laranxa, mudei de froita, mais vós ao voso gusto! E o mellor de todo é que se fan nun plis, mesturar ingredientes, fritir e xa está. Como nos gusta o Entroido, non si? Imos aló!
– 370 gramos de fariña
– 75 gramos de azucre
– 3 ovos
– 16 gramos de fermento químico (un sobriño dos de sempre)
– 60 gramos de manteiga
– reladura dunha laranxa
– 1 chisco de sal
– azucre en po para esparexer
Preparación paso a paso:
1. Mesturamos a manteiga desfeita, o azucre e mailos ovos.
2. Engadimos a reladura, o sal, e a fariña e o fermento xirgados.
3. Formamos boliñas e fritímolas en abundante aceite quente.
4. Poñémolas sobre papel de cociña e esparexemos azucre en po. E listo!
En canto as probedes, quedaredes namorados destas castagnole, son suaves, crocantes e saborosas. Ademais, como son pequeniñas, case se comen dun bocado e son un auténtico vicio! Para acompañar estas castagnole nada mellor que unha boa cunca de chocolate quente. E que veña o frío! 😛
After preparing some Galician Carnival recipes, I wanted to try some international recipes as well, so I started to surf the net and I found about these castagnole, which are similar to our “rosquillas” but with the shape of a little ball. These castagnole, as it can be deduced from the name, are typical of the Italian Carnival, and they are really tasty!!! In the original recipe, one of the ingredients is lemon zest, but as I prefer the orange flavour, I used orange zest, but you can use whatever you want. The best thing is that the step by step is very quick and simple, mixing ingredients, frying and eating! 😀 I love Carnival, did I say it before? 😉 Let’s go!
– 370 gr plain flour
– 75 gr sugar
– 3 eggs
– 16 gr baking powder
– 60 gr butter
– orange zest
– 1 pinch of salt
– powdered sugar
Step by step preparation:
1. Beat melted butter, sugar and eggs.
2. Add zest, salt, baking powder and sifted flour.
3. Form little balls and fry them in plenty of hot oil.
4. Place them over some kitchen paper and sprinkle powdered sugar. And that’s it!
As soon as you try these super delicious castagnole, you’ll fall for them! They’re soft, crunchy and tasty. And to round up this recipe, prepare yourself a big cup of hot chocolate and enjoy these sweet and cute castagnole. Yummy! Enjoy! 😛