Makis de polbo á feira
Ás veces o que peor levamos cando queremos facer sushi na casa é ter que lavar o arroz, cocelo e despois agardar a que este arrefríe. O bo destes makis, ademais de estar feitos cun dos pratos máis representativos (e saborosos) da nosa gastronomía, é que ao levar pataca cocida, e non arroz, aínda son máis sinxelos de facer. Están moi bos porque todo o que levan é moi sabedeiro, son moi orixinais e ademáis rápidos de facer. Imos aló!
Ingredientes para 12 futomakis:
– 1/2 kg de polbo
– 2 patacas ben grandiñas
– manteiga (opcional)
– alga nori
– pementón doce e/ou picante
– aceite de oliva
Preparación paso a paso:
1. Cocemos o polbo. Asustámolo 3 veces na auga fervendo e despois deixamos que coza durante 20-25 minutos.
2. Cortámolo en anacos e botámoslle pementón, sal e un chisco de aceite.
3. Cocemos as patacas en anacos na auga do polbo (salgamos se é preciso) ata que estean brandiñas.
4. Cando estean as patacas cocidas, esmagámolas co garfo e facemos un puré. Se queredes engadirlle un chisco de manteiga, quedará moito máis cremoso e daralle bo sabor.
5. Colocamos a alga nori, botámoslle o pure de patacas e colocámolo deixando a parte superior da alga sen patacas para poder cerralo ben.
6. Poñemos os anacos de polbo no medio da pataca cocida e pechamos. Cortamos en 6 anacos cada rolo e listo!
Para rematar, facemos un prebe de aceite e pementón e untamos os makis con este prebe.
Están riquísimos!!! Tedes que probalos porque non leva tempo ningún facelos e o resultado xa vedes que é ben chulo e moi saboroso. Campa un montón, non si? Un prato orixinal, diferente, que seguro que sorprenderá a tódolos comensais. E o polbo á feira sempre está delicioso, así que este non vai ser menos 😉
Bo proveito!!!
Octopus and boiled potatoes makis
The worst thing (for me) of making sushi is having to wash the rice, cook it and then wait until it’s completely cold. On the other hand, the best thing about THESE makis is that they’re prepared with one of the most typical dishes of Galician gastronomy (polbo á feira=fair style octopus)and as they’re made with boiled potatoes instead of rice, they’re as easy as delicious! The ingredients are the best, the dish is absolutely delicious and these makis will be your favourites as soon as you try them, so let’s go!
Ingredients for 12 futomakis:
– 1/2 kg octopus
– 2 quite big potatoes
– butter (optional)
– nori seaweed
– sweet or spicy paprika
– olive oil
Step by step preparation:
1. To cook the octopus, we have to start by “scaring” it three times. And how do we do this? We bring water to a boil and then we take in and out the octopus inside this boiling water 3 times. Then, we let it boil for 20 or 25 minutes.
2. Chop the octopus and add some paprika, salt and olive oil.
3. Cook potatoes in the same water we used to cook the octopus. Add some salt if needed and take them out when soft.
4. When potatoes are ready, mash them with a fork until you get a purée. If you want it smoother, add some butter and mix.
5. Put the Nori over a bamboo mat, add some mashed potatoes and spread it over the nori with your hands or a spoon, leaving the top part with no mashed potato.
6. Add some chopped octopus in the middle of the potatoes and close forming a roll. Cut into 6 futomakis and that’s it!
To round up, mix some olive oil and paprika and spread some on top of each maki.
They’re incredibly tasty!!! So quick, so creative, so different and simple you will prepare them once and again! If you’ve ever tried Galician style octopus and you’re a sushi fan, this recipe will make you go mad! You’re going to love it and prepare it right away!
Enjoy it!!!