Mississippi Mud Pie (sen forno / no bake)

Mississippi Mud Pie

Mississippi Mud Pie

A Mississipi Mud Pie é unha desas tortas que en canto a ves, quérela probar! Despois de botarlle un ollo a varias receitas e ver que todas se facían no forno, decidín facer unha versión sen forno, máis sinxela, rápida, mais que conservase ese aspecto cremoseiro. O nome desta torta ven pola semellanza do chocolate cremoso cos lodos do río Mississippi. Imos aló!

Ingredientes para a base:

– 200 gramos de galletas María
– 100 gramos de manteiga desfeita

Ingredientes para o recheo:
– 200 gramos de chocolate negro
– 100 gramos de manteiga
– 1 culleradiña de vainilla
– 4 ovos
– 1 chisco de sal
– 200 ml de tona para montar + 50 gramos de azucre
– chocolate relado para decorar

Molde: 20 cm

Preparación paso a paso:

1. Picamos as galletas e mesturámolas coa manteiga desfeita. Formamos a base tal e como fixemos coa banoffee pie, deixando un chisco de beira para despois rechear e metémola na neveira mentres facemos o recheo.

Mississippi Mud Pie

2. Derretemos o chocolate e a manteiga e mesturamos ben. Deixamos arrefriar a mestura uns 10 minutos.

Mississippi Mud Pie

3. Separamos as claras das xemas. Batemos as xemas e mesturámolas co chocolate e a manteiga. E batemos as claras cun chisco de sal ata que estean a punto de neve.

Mississippi Mud Pie

4. Engadimos as claras e mesturamos cunha culler pouco a pouco ata que estea moi ben mesturado.

Mississippi Mud Pie

5. Vertemos a “mousse” de chocolate sobre a base de galleta e deixamos arrefriar unhas 2 horas.

Mississippi Mud Pie

Mississippi Mud Pie

6. Batemos a tona xunto co azucre e botámola sobre o chocolate. Decoramos con chocolate relado e listo!

Mississippi Mud Pie

Xa vedes que a preparación é moi similar á da Banoffee Pie, sinxela e rápida, mais o sabor é ben diferente. O recheo de chocolate queda cunha textura moi suave e cremosa, mais cun sabor ben intenso. Se vos gustou a Banoffee Pie, esta seguro que vos gusta aínda máis! Son as dúas unhas tortas saborosísimas, das que non vos cansaredes de repetir 😉


Mississippi Mud Pie

Mississippi Mud Pie

Mississippi Mud Pie is one of those pies that you want to eat as soon as you see it! After reading some different recipes, I decided to make my own version, a more simple and quicker one usinig no oven, but trying to keep the creamy and smooth texture of the original pie. The name of this pie comes from the similarity between the creamy chocolate texture and the muds of the Mississippi river. Let’s go!

Ingredients for the base:
– 200 gr Marie biscuits
– 100 gr melted butter

Ingredients for the filling:
– 200 gr dark chocolate
– 100 gr butter
– 1 tsp vanilla essence
– 4 eggs
– 1 pinch of salt
– 200 ml whipping cream + 50 gr sugar
– chocolate shavings to decorate

Step by step preparation:

1. Process Marie biscuits in a food processor and mix with melted butter. Form the base, as we did with Banoffee Pie, covering the sides a little bit, so forming a pie shell. Let it cool in the fridge while preparing the filling.

Mississippi Mud Pie

2. Melt chocolate and butter together and mix well. Let this mixture cool for around 10 minutes.

Mississippi Mud Pie

3. Separate egg yolks from whites, beat yolks and add them to the chocolate mixture. Whisk egg whites with a pinch of salt until they form stiff peaks.

Mississippi Mud Pie

4. Mix whites and chocolate and mix bit by bit until all well integrated.

Mississippi Mud Pie

5. Pour this chocolate “mousse” over the cookie base and let it cool in the fridge for 2 hours.

Mississippi Mud Pie

Mississippi Mud Pie

6. Whisk whipping cream with sugar and then spread it over the chocolate. Decorate with chocolate shavings and that’s it!

Mississippi Mud Pie

As you have seen, preparation is quite like Banoffee Pie, quick and simple, but the flavour is veeery different! The chocolate filling texture is creamy, smooth and soft, but the flavour is highly intense. If you liked Banoffee, you’re gonna fall for this one! 😀

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