Banoffee Pie

Banoffee Pie

banoffee pie

Toma torta de banana e doce de leite que traio hoxe!!! Sinxelísima e moooi saborosa! Sí, xa o sei, tamén é unha bomba calórica que mete mediño, mais paga ben a pena deixar a vida saudable por un día e pegarse unha boa homenaxe 😛 O único de complicado que ten esta receita é montar a tona e mesturar as galletas e a manteiga. Non me diredes que non é doado, doado! E non é para nada empalagosa nin doce demáis, e simplemente perfecta! 😀


Para a base:

– 200 gramos de galletas (as vosas preferidas)
– 100 gramos de manteiga desfeita

Para o recheo:

– uns 300 gramos de doce de leite
– 2 bananas
– 200 ml de tona + 50 gramos de azucre
– chocolate relado para decorar

Molde: 20 cm

Preparación paso a paso:

1. Picar as galletas moi finiñas nunha picadora e mesturar coa manteiga desfeita. Poñer sobre o molde e formar unha base apretando coas mans ou cunha culler, procurando tamén subir un pouquiño para que quede algo de beira. Deixar repousar na neveira durante unha hora.

banoffee pie

banoffee pie

banoffee pie

2. Unha vez que a base xa estea duriña, engadimos o doce de leite e as bananas en anaquiños.

banoffee pie

banoffee pie

3. Montamos a tona xunto co azcure e botámola sobre as bananas.

banoffee pie

4. Decoramos co chocolate relado e listo!

banoffee pie

Despois deixarémola na neveira, mais pódeselle meter o dente recén feita 😉 Está requeteboa, de verdade! E xa vedes que son 4 pasiños de nada. Ademáis, é tan sinxela que vos poden botar unha man as pequechas e pequechos da casa 🙂 Tedes que poñervos xa coas mans na masa porque non vos ides arrepentir!!! Repeterides segurísimo 😀


Banoffee pie

banoffee pie

Wow!!! Look at this incredible Banoffee Pie! The easiest and tastiest recipe EVER! Yes, I know it’s a calorie bomb as well, but it’s so worthy that you will have to leave your healthy diet aside and get yourself this sweet little something! 😛 The only difficult step in this recipe is whipping cream and mixing cookies and butter, so…it cannot be easier! And don’t think this recipe is going to be oversweet, because it won’t. The ingredients match so perfectly, every spoonful is a trip to heaven. Let’s go!


For the base:
– 200 gr marie biscuits(or your favourite)
– 100 gr melted butter

For the filling:
– around 300 gr dulce de leche
– 2 bananas (from Canarias!)
– 200 ml whipping cream + 50 gr caster sugar
– grated chocolate to decorate

Step by step preparation:

1. Process biscuits into crumbs in a food processor and mix with melted butter. Pour the crumbs over the mould and push them into the base, covering the sides a little bit, so forming a pie shell. Let it settle in the fridge for 1 hour.

banoffee pie

banoffee pie

banoffee pie

2. Once the base is hard, add dulce de leche and chopped bananas.

banoffee pie

banoffee pie

3. Whip cream with sugar and spread it on top of the bananas.

banoffee pie

4. Top it with grated chocolate and that’s it!

banoffee pie

Then, you can keep it in the fridge or eat it right away. 😉 It’s super delicious!!! And as you can see, you just need a little time, 4 simple steps and a few ingredients! Besides, it’s so easy that kids can help you out in the kitchen, and I’m sure they will love the result as well. If I were you, I would be buying the ingredients right now! You’ll definitely repeat and repeat and repeat… Be careful! It’s veeery addictive 😀


  1. Q boa meu deus. De canto é o molde?

  2. Menuda larpeirada! Grazas por máis unha receita! 😉

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