Torta de requeixo de As Neves
Levaba tempo e tempo atrás do requeixo de As Neves, así que en canto me fixen con él, ou máis ben, en canto mo trouxeron, (éche a sorte que ten ter xente que che axuda a facerte cos ingredientes), sabía que acabaría facendo unha torta de queixo. O requeixo está boísimo así según se merca, e se o acompañamos con mel, xa nin vos conto. Unha sobremesa perfecta, sen ter que pasar horas e horas na cociña. Mais as tortas de queixo son outra das miñas sobremesas favoritas, e non resistin a tentación de preparar unha con este marabilloso requeixo. Imos aló!
– sobre 500 gramos de requeixo (se tendes máis, mellor)
– 100 gramos de azucre branco
– 100 gramos de azucre moreno
– 4 ovos
– reladura dun limón
– 2 iogures gregos (naturais e azucarados)
– 150 ml de leite gordo
– 150 ml de tona (35% M.G.)
– 300 gramos de fariña
– 1 sobre (16 gramos) de fermento químico
Preparación paso a paso:
1. Batemos os ovos e os azucres.
2. Cando xa estea ben mesturado, engadimos o resto dos ingredientes, agás a fariña e o fermento. Cando estea mesturado, engadimos a fariña e o fermento pouco a pouco.
Para os que nunca vistes o requeixo de As Neves en directo, vén en porcións pequenas envoltas en prástico. Super chulo! 🙂
3. Botamos no molde previamente forrado con papel de aluminio e engraxado con manteiga
enfornamos a 180ºC durante uns 40-50 minutos. Se pasado ese tempo, cravamos o escarvadentes e sae húmido, apagamos o forno e deixamos a torta dentro durante uns 10 ou 20 minutos máis, ata que saia practicamente seco. E listo!
Ñaaam!!! Está boísima! E se sodes de larpeirear a tope, facédeme o favor de botarlle unha boa cantidade de mel por riba. Quédalle de medo! E se de por si a torta xa está boa, co mel está infinitamente mellor. Veña, sacade o voso lado máis larpeiro e preparade esta marabilla de torta de requeixo d’As Neves con mel.
As Neves cottage cheesecake
It’s been a long time since I wanted to try and eat some cottage cheese from As Neves and as soon as I got it, well, I did not exactly get it, someone brought it for me 🙂 (lucky me that I have people who bring me the ingredients I need), I knew I will end up making a cheesecake with it. This cottage cheese is perfectly tasty as it is, and if you add some honey, it will be delicious. But as cheesecakes are one of my favourite desserts ever, I couldn’t help preparing this yummy cheesecake. Let’s go!
– around 500 gr As Neves cottage cheese (the more, the tastier!)
– 100 gr caster sugar
– 100 gr brown sugar
– 4 eggs
– 1 lemon zest
– 2 Greek yoghurts (natural and sweetened)
– 150 ml whole milk
– 150 ml thick cream (35% M.G.)
– 300 gr plain flour
– 16 gr baking powder
Step by step preparation:
1. Beat eggs and sugars until all integrated.
2. When all mixed, add the rest of the ingredients, except flour and baking powder, which will be added a bit by bit after mixing the other ingredients.
For those who’ve never seen this cottage cheese up to now, here it is how they present it: in little portions wrapped up in plastic. Pretty nice, huh? 🙂
3. Pour the batter over a baking mould with tin foil and butter
and bake at 180ºC/375ºF for 40-50 minutes. If after this time, a toothpick inserted in the middle of the cake comes out wet, then turn off the oven and leave the cake inside for another 10 or 20 minutes, until it comes out with a few crumbs attached to it. And that’s it!
Nomnomnom!!! This cheesecake is extra yummy!!! And if you have the sweetest tooth in the world, as I do, pour a good amount of honey over it. It will be awesome!!! If you like it without honey, with it you’re gonna love it! So, get ready to enjoy one of the most delicious cheesecakes ever! And if you happen to find As Neves cottage cheese, buy it! You won’t regret it!