Peitugas recheas á prancha / Grilled stuffed chicken breasts

Peitugas recheas á prancha

peitugas recheas

Como me gustan as receitas coma esta: sinxela, rápida e saudable. Moitas veces non facemos as peitugas recheas, porque teriamos que empanalas, e xa nos supón máis tempo e máis calorías 😉 Pois desta maneira, non tedes desculpa, con só tres ingredientes faremos unhas peitugas recheas saborosísimas. Imos aló!


– 3 filetes de peituga de polo
– xamón ou pavo cocido
– queixo (neste caso, queixo azul)
– sal
– curry e pirixel (opcional)

Preparación paso a paso:

1. Estiramos ben os filetes. Poñemos sobre eles medio anaco de pavo cocido, engadimos tamén o queixo e tapámolo con outro anaco de pavo.

peitugas recheas

2. Dobramos o filete á metade e poñémoslle un escarvadentes para que non se nos abra ao fritir. Salgamos e botámoslle un chisco de curry e pirixel picado.

peitugas recheas

3. Fritimos a lume lento para que se faga ben por dentro, e listo!

peitugas recheas

Xa temos listas as peitugas recheas á prancha. Xa vedes que non ten dificultade ningunha e que ten unha pinta formidábel.

peitugas recheas

E ademáis, resulta unha receita moi saudable. Podedes engardille outros recheos, como cogomelos, outros queixos, espinacas…ou o que máis vos guste. Xa me contaredes e bo proveito 🙂


Grilled stuffed chicken breasts

peitugas recheas

This is one of my favourite recipes because it’s simple, quick and healthy. Sometimes, we do not prepare stuffed chicken breasts because if we have to coat them we need more time and we get more calories 😉 If you do them this way, you will only need three ingredients and they will be extremely tasty. Let’s go!


– 3 chicken breast fillets
– boiled ham or turkey
– cheese (mine was blue cheese)
– salt
– curry and parsley (optional)

Step by step preparation:

1. With the fillets ready, put over them 1/2 slie of boiled turkey, add the cheese and cover it with another turkey slice.

peitugas recheas

2. Fold the fillets and close them with a toothpick to stop it from opening while being fried. Salt and add some curry and finely chopped parsley.

peitugas recheas

4. Fry them at a low-medium temperature until it’s done on the inside. And that’s it!

peitugas recheas

And here we have our grilled stuffed chicken breasts ready. As you have seen, it’s very easy to prepare and it looks incredibly tasty!

peitugas recheas

Besides, it’s a very healthy recipe. You can of course use any other stuffing, such as mushrooms, spinachs…ou whatever you like most. Enjoy it! 🙂


  1. Que fácil! Hoy o mañana mismo lo pruebo y le hago una foto! 😀

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