Panna cotta con kiwi
Que ganas tiña de facer panna cotta!!! E máis así, con chocolate branco e kiwi 🙂 É unha lambetada moi saborosa e que se pode facer nuns sinxelos e rápidos pasos. E a combinación kiwi e chocolate branco, mmm, para repetir e repetir. Imos aló!
Ingredientes para a panna cotta de chocolate branco:
– 150 gramos de chocolate branco
– 400 ml tona
– 150 ml leite (eu empreguei semidesnatado)
– 4 follas de xelatina neutra
– 1 cullerada de azucre
Ingredientes para a xelatina de kiwi:
– 6 kiwis
– 3 culleradas de azucre (ou ao gusto)
– 150 ml auga
– 2/3 follas de xelatina neutra
Preparación paso a paso:
1. Primeiro de todo, poñemos as follas de xelatina a remollo en auga fría durante uns 10 minutos.
2. Mentres tanto, poñemos a cocer a tona, o leite e maila cullerada de azucre ata que estea ben quente, pero sen chegar a ferver.
3. Derretemos o chocolate no microondas (función desconxelar para que non se nos queime. Ollo co chocolate branco que é moi delicado) ou ao baño maría.
4. Cando a mestura de tona estea ben quente, sacámola do lume e mesturámola co chocolate branco ata que estea todo ben integrado.
5. Sacamos as follas de xelatina da auga, escorrémolas ben e engadímolas á mestura anterior, mesturando todo de novo.
6. Repartimos a panna cotta nos nosos moldes e deixamos atemperar ata que a poidamos meter na neveira durante polo menos 5 horas.
7. Para prepar a xelatina de kiwi, cortamos os kiwi en anaquiños e poñémolos a cocer xunto coa auga e o azucre. (Teredes que ir probando ata que estea do voso agrado, pois dependendo do tamaño dos kiwis ou do doces que sexan teredes que engadir máis ou menos auga ou azucre).
8. Poñemos a xelatina de novo a remollo. E cando xa estea o xarope de kiwi no seu punto (algo espesiño) sacámolo do lume e botámoslle as follas de xelatina escorridas.
9. Mesturamos ben e deixamos atemperar antes de botala por riba da panna cotta, para que o calor non lle afecte. Deixamos na neveira durante unha horiña e listo!
Está boísima!!! E xa vedes que máis sinxela non pode ser! Poucos ingredientes, uns pasos ben simples e un sabor de relamber os dedos! E se non sodes moito de chocolate branco, sempre podedes variala ao voso gusto, con chocolate con leite ou negro, con froitos vermellos, con vainilla…co que se cos ocorra! Bo proveito!
Panna cotta with kiwi
I was so excited about trying (and making) panna cotta, and especially using these two ingredientes, which I love, kiwi and white chocolate! The flavour is absolutely delicious and the step by step is very quick and simple. And the combination of kiwi and white chocolate is, mmm, incredible! Let’s go!
Ingredients for the white chocolate panna cotta:
– 150 gr white chocolate
– 400 ml cream
– 150 ml milk (I used semi-skimmed)
– 4 gelatine leaves
– 1 tbsp sugar
Ingredients for the kiwi jelly:
– 6 kiwis
– 3 tbsp sugar
– 150 ml water
– 2/3 gelatine leaves
Step by step preparation:
1. First of all, wet the gelatine leaves with some cold water for 10 minutes.
2. Meanwhile, heat the cream, milk and the sugar until hot, but don’t let it boil.
3. Melt the white chocolate in the microwave, defrost function. Watch it very carefully because white chocolat can be easily burnt.
4. When the cream mixture is hot, take it out of the heat, and mix it with the melted chocolate until all well integrated.
5. Take the gelatine leaves out of the water and dry them. Add them to the previous mixture and mix again.
6. Pour the batter over the moulds and allow to cool. Then, put it in the fridge for, at least, 5 hours.
7. To prepare the kiwi jelly, chop the kiwis and boil them together with the water and the sugar. The amount of sugar and/or water may depend on the sise of the kiwis and on how sweet they are, so may have to add more or less sugar and water.
8. Wet the gelatine leaves again. When the kiwi syrup is ready and thicker, take it out of the heat and add the drained gelatine leaves.
9. Mix well and let it cool a little bit before pouring it over the panna cotta, just in case the heat alters its form. Allow to cool in the fridge for about an hour. And that’s it!
It’s wow! Super tasty!!! And no difficulty at all, right? Not a lot of ingredients, very simple steps and an amazing flavour! If you’re not very fond of white choc, you can also use milk or dark chocolat, vanilla, berries…whatever you may think of! Enjoy!!!