Tiras de cítricos con chocolate / Chocolate orangettes

Tiras de cítricos con chocolate


Unha lambonada desas que a todos nos gustan! Non sei se polo chocolate, polos cítricos, ou pola marabillosa combinación dos dous. É unha receita que leva tempo, pero non tempo de traballo, senón de agardar, así que podemos facer outras cousas ata que estas larpeiradas estean listas. E os ingredientes, sinxelísimos! Imos aló!


– 1 limón
– 1 laranxa
– 1 pomelo rosa
– 150 ml de auga
– 300 gramos de azucre en po
– chocolate

Preparación paso a paso:

1. Lavamos moi ben as froitas e cun pelador ou cun coitelo que corte fino, pelámolas. (Procurando non coller demasiada parte branca)



2. Cortamos as mondas en tiras do tamaño que máis vos guste.


3. Agora branquearémolas. Para iso, poñerémolas a ferver en auga durante 1 minuto. Tiraremos a auga, e repetiremos a operación 4 veces, cambiando a auga de cada vez.


4. Na mesma pota, botamos os 150 ml de auga e os 300 gr de azucre en po. Poñemos a ferver, e cando o xarope estea transparente, botamos as tiras. Deixarémolas ferver a lume lixeiro durante 40 minutos.


5. Despois dos 40 minutos, apagamos o lume e deixámolo arrefriar (unhas 4 horas, no meu caso).


6. Sacámolas cunhas pinzas, escorréndoas ben e poñémolas sobre unha grella. Deixarémolas secar ata o día seguinte.


7. Cando estean ben sequiñas, derretemos un pouco chocolate, mollamos as tiras e deixámolas sobre un papel vexetal ata que o chocolate estea frío. E listo!


Xa vedes que o tempo que fai falta é bastante, pero o traballo que leva é pouquiño. E polo boas que están, ben paga a pena que pasen as horas, porque a recompensa será…mmm…incrible!


Chocolate orangettes


Orangettes are one of those sweet treats we all like! Either because we all love chocolate or because citrics are delicious, or even because the combination of the two is incredibly yummy…whatever it is, they’re really tasty! We’re going to need a lot of time, but not working time, just time to wait, so we can just cook, sit, and wait 😉 And what about the ingredients? Veeery easy! Let’s go!


– 1 lemon
– 1 orange
– 1 pink pomelo
– 150 ml water
– 300 gr powdered sugar
– chocolate

Step by step preparation:

1. Wash the fruits and peel them. (Trying not to get the white part of the peel)



2. Cut the peelings into strips. You may choose the size you like.


3. In a pan, boil some water, add the peels and let them boil for 1 minute. Repeat these steps for times, changing the water each time.


4. In the same pan, pour the 150 ml water and the powdered sugar. Let it boil until the syrup becomes transparent, add the fruit peels and let them boil for 40 minutes.


5. After 40 minutes, switch it off and allow to cool. (In my case, 4 hours)


6. Take them out with some tongs, trying to take all the syrup out. Put them over the wire rack and let them dry until next day.


7. When dry, melt some chocolate, dip the peeling and put them over a baking sheet until cold. And that’s it!


As you can see, the time is quite a lot, but the working hours are very little. And the result…wow! it’s incredible! So, waste some time and prepare these delicious orangettes, lemonettes and pomelettes 😉

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