Coulant de chocolate / Chocolate lava cake

Coulant de chocolate


Se hai un postre realmente irresistible ese é o coulant. Un saboroso pasteliño de chocolate que deixa caer un recheo líquido quentiño que esta de vicio! É unha receita sinxela, que precisa de moi poucos ingredientes. Ademáis, podedes gardalos no conxelador e preparalos nuns minutiños, tendo sempre un postre preparado en moi pouco tempo! Pero tede coidado! Que som adictivos 😛 Imos aló!

Ingredientes para uns 6 coulants:


– 100 gramos de chocolate negro
– 100 gramos de manteiga
– 50 gramos de fariña tamizada
– 50 gramos de azucre
– 3 ovos
– moldes para flans

Preparación paso a paso:

1. Derretemos o chocolate e maila manteiga ao baño maría ou no microondas. E mesturamos ben.


2. Noutro bol, batemos os ovos xunto co azucre.


3. Mesturamos ámbalas dúas mesturas e engadimos a fariña tamizada.


4. Esparexemos manteiga polos moldes.


5. Botamos a mestura nos moldes, enchéndoos case ata arriba. E conxelamos os moldes durante 2 horas.


6. Enfornamos durante uns 15 minutos a 180°C ou ata que vexamos que ao coulant só lle queda unha pequena parte circular por riba para rematar de facerse. E listo!


Agora só temos que despegalo un chisco cun coitelo e darlle a volta. Cortamos un anaquiño cunha culler e gozamos do espectáculo de ver sair o chocolate…mmm…boísimo! O biscoito é moi esponxoso, e o recheo está de medo. Bo proveito :o)



Chocolate lava cake


If there’s one dessert everyone loves that’s lava cake. A chocolate little cake with a smooth inside which falls all over your plate…mmm…really yummy! The recipe is very easy and you won’t need a lot of ingredients. Besides, you can always keep them in the freezer and prepare them in a couple of minutes, having your dessert ready on every occasion. But, be careful! They’re addictive! 😛 Let’s go!

Ingredients for 6 lava cakes:


– 100 gr dark chocolate
– 100 gr unsalted butter
– 50 gr plain flour
– 50 gr sugar
– 3 eggs
– little moulds

Step by step preparation:

1. Melt the chocolate and the butter and mix well.


2. In another bowl, beat the eggs and the sugar.


3. Mix both mixtures and add the sifted flour.


4. Spread some butter all over the moulds.


5. Pour the mixture over the moulds, almost up to the top, and freeze for two hours.


6. Bake for around 15 minutes at 180°C/375°F or until you see every part of the lava cake is ready except one little circle on top. And that’s it!


Now we just have to unstick it from the mould with a knife and turn it over a plate. Take a little piece with a teaspoon and enjoy the sweet moment of watching the chocolate coming out of the cake…mmmm…delicious! The cake is veeery smooth and fluffy, and the filling is absolutely creamy and tasty.


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