Xeados de mojito de melón
Mesmo semella que vai chegando o verán, así que aí vai a primeira receita de xeados! Que ganiñas tiña xa de poder facer xeados na casa. Recordo de pequena facer xeados de cola cao xunto co meu irmán nuns moldes azuis pequenos que andaban pola casa. Con estes moldes, os xeados sonvos ben sinxelos de facer, así que se tedes oportunidade, mercade un, porque ademáis son moi baratos. Imos aló!
Ingredientes para 4 xeados:
– 6 follas de herbaboa
– 60 ml de zume de lima (2 limas)
– 60 ml de auga
– 20 gramos de azucre
– 100 ml de ron para mojitos (que xa leva lima e herbaboa)
– 50 ml de zume de melón
– moldes para xeados e paus
Preparación paso a paso:
1. Comezaremos exprimindo as limas.
2. Mesturamos o zume coa auga, o azucre, o ron e as follas de herbaboa, machacándoas un chisco para que solten todo o zume.
3. Facemos o zume de melón. Cortamos un anaco, e picámolo nunha picadora ou facemos un puré coa axuda dun garfo. Despois só temos que coalo e xa teremos o zume. Engadímolo ao mojito.
4. Botamos o mojito de melón no molde de xeados e dereitiños ao conxelador.
5. Agora só temos que ter moita paciencia e agardar unhas 4 horiñas. E listo!
Está mal que eu o diga, pero estaba boísimo! Podedes engadirlle amorodos, framboesas, ou calquera outra froita que vos guste. E se non o queredes tomar en xeado, sempre o podedes tomar así 😉 Agardo que o fagades e me contedes que tal. Seguro que vos gustará!
Melon mojito popsicles
So it looks like summer has finally arrived to Galiza, so it’s popsicles time! This is the first recipe I’ve made using these new moulds I bought. I remember when I was a child that I used to eat cocoa ice pops with my brother. If you haven’t got these type of moulds, I totally recommend them to you, they’re cheap, quick and using this recipe, they’ll be delicious too! 😉 So let’s go!
Ingredients for 4 popsicles:
– 6 mint leaves
– 60 ml lime juice (2 limes)
– 60 ml water
– 20 gr white sugar
– 100 ml mojito rum (with mint and lime)
– 50 ml melon juice
– popsicles moulds and sticks
Step by step preparation:
1. Squeeze the limes.
2. And mix the juice with the water, sugar, rum and mint leaves, mashing them a bit to take the juice out.
3. Cut a piece of melon, process it in a food processor or make a purée using a fork. Strain it and you’ll have the melon juice prepared. Add it to the mojito.
4. Pour the mojito over the moulds and put them in the freezer right away.
5. Now we just have to be patient and wait 4 hours until it’s done. And that’s it!
I know it’s bad for me to say this, but it’s incredibly tasty! You can add other fruits, such as strawberries, raspberries, or any other that you like. And if you do not want to have it as a popsicle, you can always add some ice and drink it 😉 I hope you like it, and if you prepare it, let me know how it went. I’m sure you’ll love it!