Revolto de berenxena e Brie / Scrambled eggs with Brie and eggplant

Revolto de berenxena e Brie

Brie eggplant

Hai algún tempo, puxéronme de tapa nun bar un revolto de berenxena e brie e dende aquela quedei coa teima de probar a facelo. E aqui está! Receita sinxela e rápida, que seguro que vos gustará, pois a berenxena e mailo brie fan unha moi boa parella. Imos aló!

Ingredientes para 2 persoas:

– 1/2 berenxena grande ou 1 pequena
– un bo anaco de queixo Brie (ao gusto)
– 2 ovos
– sal

Preparación paso a paso:

1. Cortamos a berenxena en dadiños e fritímola. Salgar.

2. Cando xa case estea no seu punto, engadimos o brie (sen pel e beliscado para que se desfaga mellor). Se vedes que a berenxena ten moito aceite, escorrela ben.

Brie eggplant

3. Remexer ben ata que o brie estea totalmente desfeito, engadir os ovos e remexer de novo para que se mesture todo ben e calle o ovo. E listo!

Xa vedes que dificultade non ten ningunha, e o sabor évos moi bo. Para aqueles aos que non lles guste o brie, ou non o teñan a man, estou segura de que cun queixo galego estará delicioso! Xa probarei e xa vos contarei 😉


Scrambled eggs with Brie and eggplant

Brie eggplant

Since I’ve tasted this recipe in a bar as a tapa, I’ve been thinking about preparing it at home, and here it is! An easy and quick recipe you’ll sure enjoy. Brie and eggplant make such a tasty couple! Let’s go!

Ingredients for 2:

– 1/2 big eggplant or 1 little
– a big piece of Brie cheese (as you like it)
– 2 eggs
– salt

Step by step preparation:

1. Chop and fry the eggplant. Salt.

2. Add the chopped and peeled Brie cheese. If you have too much oil, take it all out.

Brie eggplant

3. Mix well until Brie is totally melted and integrated, add eggs and mix again until all integrated and ready. And that’s it!

As you can see, it’s really easy and quick. If you do not like Brie cheese or you don’t have it around, you can use any other smooth cheese you like and it’ll be as tasty. I’ll try it and I’ll tell you 😉

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