Torta de cenoria / Carrot cake

Torta de cenoria

Carrot cake

Unha desas tortas pola que devecen mesmo aqueles aos que non lles vai moito a cenoria. De ingredientes sinxelos e preparación rápida, o único problema que ten é que hai que agardar un chisco a que se faga, e non vos imaxinades o cheiriño que sae pola porta do forno, mmm, da gana de meterlle o dente antes de tempo. Non vos asustedes ao ver tantos ingredientes, son todos ben doados de atopar e serviranvos para moitas outras receitas. Imos ver como facer esta saborosa e clásica torta.


Carrot cake

– 3 ovos
– 300 gramos de azucre moreno
– 300 ml de aceite de xirasol
– 300 gramos de fariña
– 1 culleradiña de bicarbonato
– 1 culleradiña de fermento en po
– 1 culleradiña canela en po
– 1/2 culleradiña de sal
– 1/2 culleradiña de vainilla
– 300 gramos de cenoria relada
– 150 gramos de noces de macadamia picadas*

*As noces de macadamia podédelas substituir por noces do país ou pecanas

Preparación paso a paso:

1. Batemos os ovos, o azucre e mailo aceite.

Carrot cake

2. Engadimos tódolos ingredientes, agás a cenoria e as noces e batemos ata que estea ben mesturado.

Carrot cake

3. Iremos engadindo e mesturando a cenoria e as noces pouco a pouco.

Carrot cake

4. Vertemos a masa nun molde (este era de 20 cm) de apertura lateral. A min sempre me gusta cubrilo con papel de aluminio e manteiga.

Carrot cake

5. Enfornamos a torta durante uns 50 minutos a 180 graos ou ata que un escarvadentes cravado no centro saia limpo.

Carrot cake

6. Deixamos que arrefríe e listo!

Carrot cake

Podedes engadirlle unha crema de queixo coma a que empregamos na Torta de 1906 Red Vintage. E de feito, era o que tiña pensado facer, pero o arrecendo da torta fixo que quixeramos probala aínda quente, e, como está tan boa, a verdade é que non precisa de nada máis! 😛


Carrot cake

Carrot cake

One of those cakes even people who do not like carrots love. Easy-to-find ingredients and quick preparation, the only bad thing about it is having to wait until it’s done, because the smell coming out of the oven is so delicious, you’ll be tempted to take it out before time. Don’t be scared when seeing so much ingredients, you will be using them in other recipes for sure. Let’s see how to prepare this tasty and classic cake.


Carrot cake

– 3 eggs
– 300 gr brown sugar
– 300 ml sunflower oil
– 300 gr plain flour
– 1 teaspoon baking soda
– 1 tsp baking powder
– 1 tsp ground cinnamon
– 1/2 tsp salt
– 1/2 tsp vanilla
– 300 gr grated carrots
– 150 gr chopped macadamia nuts*

*You can also use walnuts or pecan nuts

Step by step preparation:

1. Beat the eggs, the sugar and the oil.

Carrot cake

2. Add the rest of the ingredients except the carrots and the nuts and beat until well integrated.

Carrot cake

3. Add the carrots and the nuts bit by bit and mix well.

Carrot cake

4. Pour the mixture into a spring form baking mould (mine was 20 cm). I like putting some tin foil and butter over it too.

Carrot cake

5. Bake the cake for 50 minutes at 180°C/375°F or until a toothpick inserted in the middle of the cake comes out clean.

Carrot cake

6. Allow to cool, and that’s it!

Carrot cake

You can prepare some cheese frosting, as we did with the 1906 Red Vintage Cake. In fact, that was my first thought, but the cake smelled so good, we couldn’t wait and we even tasted it when it was hot. And the truth is that it was so good that it does not need anything else! 😛

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