Pudin de pan e galletas María / Marie biscuits and bread pudding

Pudin de pan e galletas María


Outra receitiña de aproveitamento. E é que ás veces sóbranos pan, e non sabemos que facer con el. E para darlle un toque máis doce, decidín engadirlle unhas galletas María, que sempre lle quedan ben a case todo 😉 Imos aló!


– 150 gramos de pan duro
– 50 gramos de galletas María
– 2/3 culleradas de azucre
– 550 ml de leite
– 3 mondas de laranxa
– 4 ovos
– 200 gramos de azucre e unha cullerada de auga para o caramelo

*A cantidade de galletas ou de pan podedes variala

Preparación paso a paso:

1. Picamos nunha picadora o pan duro e mailas galletas. (Se o pan xa está tan duro que non o picará a picadora, podemos metelo no microondas para que abrande un chisco)


Neste paso, xa poderemos acender o forno a 200° C con auga na bandexa do forno para poder facer o pudin ao baño María.

2. Quentamos o leite co azucre e as mondas de laranxa ata que estea a piques de ferver.


3. Sacamos as mondas de laranxa, engadimos o pan e as galletas e deixamos a remollo ata que estea todo ben desfeito e chuche todo o leite.

4. Engadimos os 4 ovos batidose mesturamos moi ben todo.


5. Facemos o caramelo caseiro, botámolo sobre o molde, e engadimos o pudin.


6. Meterémolo no forno a 180°C uns 50 minutos ou ata que un escarvadentes cravado no centro saia limpo. E listo!



Para desmoldalo, teremos que pasarlle un coitelo polas beiras, e agardaremos un chisco a que arrefríe para darlle a volta. Para degustar mellor o pudin, o mellor é deixalo na neveira unhas horas. E despois xa podemos meterlle o dente, que estará boísimo!



Marie biscuits and bread pudding


Another recipe to use the stale bread we sometimes have around home and we don’t know what to do with it. Making a bread pudding is a great option, and why not adding some Marie biscuits to give a different and tasty touch? Let’s see how to do it!


– 150 gr stale bread
– 50 gr Marie biscuits
– 2/3 tablespoons sugar
– 550 ml milk
– 3 orange peels
– 4 eggs
– 200 gr sugar and a tablespoon water for the caramel

*The amount of bread and biscuits may be varied

Step by step preparation:

1. Process the stale bread and the biscuits in a food processor. (If bread is too hard, you can soft it by heating it in the microwave for some seconds)


In this step, preheat the oven at 200°C/400°C with some water on the baking tray for it to boil.

2. Heat the milk together with the sugar and the orange peels. Don’t let it boil.


3. Take the peels out and add the bread and the biscuits until they are softer and well mixed.

4. Add the 4 eggs, beaten, and mix again until all fully integrated.


5. Prepare the homemade caramel, add it to the baking mould, and pour the pudding mixture over it.


6. Bake it at 180°C/375°F for around 50 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean. And that’s it!



To turn it over, you will have to wait until it’s cold and to separate the pudding from the mould with a knife. For it to taste even better, let it cool for a couple of hours in the fridge. And then, get ready to enjoy the delicious flavour of this pudding!


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