Cupcakes de Guinness con crema de Bailey’s / Guinness cupcakes with Bailey’s buttercream

Cupcakes de Guinness con crema de Bailey’s


Unha receita con ingredientes irlandeses para celebrar este día de San Patricio! Despois de facer a Torta de Guinness, tocaba facer outra receita irlandesa. Desta vez, engadindo tamén a saborosa crema Baileys! Se vos gusta esta crema e a cervexa Guinness, estes cupcakes encantaranvos, porque están deliciosos… (Prometo facer versión galega proximamente… ;)) Imos ver como se fan!

Ingredientes para 12 magdalenas:


– 100 gramos de fariña
– 20 gramos de cacao
– 140 gramos de azucre
– 50 gramos de manteiga
– 8 gramos de fermento en po (medio sobre)
– un chisco de sal
– 60 gramos de leite
– 60 gramos de cervexa Guinness
– 1 ovo

Ingredientes para a crema de Bailey’s:

– 3 culleradas (45 ml) de Bailey’s
– 150 gramos de azucre en po
– 110 gramos de manteiga a temperatura ambiente

Preparación paso a paso:

1. Mesturamos os ingredientes secos: fariña, cacao, azucre, sal e fermento coa manteiga.


2. Cando estea mesturado, engadimos o leite, a Guinness e o ovo. E mesturamos ben.


3. Colocamos os moldes de magdalena e engadimos masa ata que cubra 2/3 do molde.


4. Metémolas no forno e deixámolas durante uns 20 minutos a 180° ou ata que un escarvadentes cravado no centro saia limpo.


5. Mentres se fan as magdalenas, preparamos a crema. Mesturamos tódolos ingredientes ata que estea todo ben integrado, engadindo o azucre en po tamizado e de pouco en pouco. (Como case sempre me pasa, esquecín sacarlle unha foto á crema, pero podédela ver xa nas magdalenas)

6. Agora só nos queda agardar a que arrefríen as magdalenas (mellor enriba da grella) e decorar como máis nos guste! 🙂


E o mellor de todo…a comeeeeeer!!! Mmmm! Feliz día de San Patricio!


Lá fhéile Pádraig sona dhuit!


Guinness cupcakes with Bailey’s buttercream


To celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, nothing better than two of their best drinks: Guinness and Bailey’s! After trying the Guinness Cake, which was reeeally good, you’ll love these amazing cupcakes for sure! So, buy the ingredients and get ready to prepare them! Let’s see how to do it!

Ingredients for 12 cupcakes:


– 100 gr plain flour
– 20 gr cocoa powder
– 140 gr sugar
– 50 gr butter
– 8 gr baking powder
– a pinch of salt
– 60 gr milk
– 60 gr Guinness beer
– 1 egg

Bailey’s buttercream ingredients:

– 3 tablespoons (45 ml) Bailey’s
– 150 gr powdered sugar
– 110 gr butter, at room temperature

Step by step preparation:

1. Mix the dry ingredients: flour, cocoa, sugar, salt and baking powder together with the butter.


2. Add in the wet ones: egg, milk and Guinness. Mix well.


3. Prepare the muffin paper cases on a muffin baking tin and fill them with 2/3 of the batter.


4. Bake them for about 20 minutes at 180°C/350°F or until a toothpick inserted in the middle of the muffin comes out clean.


5. While muffins are in the oven, let’s prepare the buttercream. We just need to mix all the ingredients, adding the powdered sugar bit by bit. (As usual, I forgot to take pictures of the buttercream, but you can see how it looks on top of the cupcake!)

6. Wait until the muffins are cold (better if over a wire rack) and start decorating as you like it! 🙂


And the best part…eat them!!! Mmmm! Happy St. Patrick’s Day!


Lá fhéile Pádraig sona dhuit!

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