Brochetas de polo / Chicken brochettes

Brochetas de polo


Unha receita saudable, sinxela, rápida e que campa moi ben! Non precisa de moitos ingredientes e o sabor é delicioso. Sendo esta a primeira vez que as preparo, repito seguro! Imos ver como se fan 😉

Ingredientes para 2 persoas:

– 200 gramos de peituga de polo
– 1/2 pemento vermello
– 1/2 pemento verde
– 1/2 cebola
– especias, curry e allo (para a carne)
– paus para brochetas

Preparación paso a paso:

1. Cortamos a peituga en anacos algo grandiños, e engadimos un allo picadiño, sal, as especias que queirades, e un pouco curry. E deixamos o polo en adobo durante, polo menos, media hora.


2. Cortamos os pementos e a cebola en anacos algo grandes e botámoslle sal.

3. Iremos cravando anacos de polo alternando cos pementos e a cebola, procurando que queden no centro e deixando algo de pau por cada lado, para que nos caiba ben na tixola e nos coincidan ben os ingredientes no medio e se fritan ben.


4. Iremos fritindo as brochetas, xirando de cando en vez para que se fagan ben. En canto o polo, os pementos e a cebola collan unha cor douradiña, xa estarán listas as nosas saborosoas brochetas!!! E listo!!!


A papaaar!!!

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Chicken brochettes


A healthy, easy, quick and very good looking recipe! No need of a lot of ingredients and the flavour is delicious! Being this my first time doing them, I’ll repeat for sure. Let’s see how to prepare them 😉

Ingredients for 2:

– 200 gr chicken breast
– 1/2 red bell pepper
– 1/2 green bell pepper
– 1/2 onion
– spices, curry and garlic (for the chicken)
– wood skewers

Step by step preparation:

1. Chop the chicken breasts, and add finely chopped garlic, salt, spices, and curry. And let it stand for, at least, half an hour.


2. Chop the peppers and the onion and add salt.

3. Thread all the ingredients onto the skewers, trying to thread them in the middle part of the skewer. Thus, when in the pan, they will be in the middle of it.


4. Fry the brochettes, turning them from time to time. As soon as all the ingredients have turned golden brown, our delicious chicken brochettes will be ready! And that’s it!



**If you loved the recipe and you prepared it, you can leave a comment or send me a picture to include it in the Hall of Fame! You can send your pictures to

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