Viaxe gastronómica- BESALÚ – Gastronomic trip



Como me gustan as viaxes gastronómicas! Recoñezo que son unha desas persoas que, co paso do tempo, esquece algunha das cousas que visitou, pero xamáis esquezo aqueles sitios onde comín de medo e cun trato excepcional.

Besalú é un lugar cheo de larpeiros! Non hai máis que ver a cantidade de pastelerías que teñen e todas elas cunha chea de lambonadas que farían as delicias de calquera de vós (e por suposto, de min!)

A parte de todo isto, é un pobo precioso, pequeno pero ben xeitoso! Deses lugares onde pasarías todo o día paseando polas súas rúas. A súa ponte ao carón do río é, para min, o máis fermoso. Así que apuntade este sitio porque seguro que vos encantará. Deixovos por aqui algunha fotiño para que vexades que chulada!





Agora falareivos sobre o restaurante onde comemos. Chámase Pont Vell, e a súa terraza ten unhas vistas magníficas da ponte e o río.


Mentres esperabamos polo xantar, trouxéronnos a auga (sen pedila, do grifo e boísima) e un aperitivo de mousse de salmón con cogombro e remolacha, que gustou incluso a aqueles aos que non lles gusta moito o salmón.

Como entrante pedimos patés caseiros. Un deles levaba pistacho e o outro pequenos anaquiños de ameixos, acompañados de pan torrado e manteiga. A verdade é que che hai ben diferenza entre o paté caseiro e o outro.

E como prato principal, pedimos uns canelons de crepe recheos de brandada de bacallao, e un entrecosto de tenreira de Girona. Para os que leven moita fame, que pidan o entrecosto, porque ten un tamaño bastante considerable! E os canelons estaban de rechupete, ben recheos e cunha bechamel moi suave e saborosa. (Sinto non ter sacado fotos para ensinarvos)

Do que sí teño foto é do postre. Unha crema catalana con froitos do bosque e un carquinyoli.


Se non tivestes a oportunidade de probar os carquinyolis, facédeo! Poderedes atopalos nas pastelerías das que vos falei antes. Tamén podedes pedir ‘modernistes de Besalú’, que son uns pasteliños pequenos cadrados con moito sabor a anís, ou neulas recheas de chocolate. Son un vicio! E para beber, pois unha botelliña de Ratafia (co acento no ‘i’), que sería similar ao noso licor de herbas. Moi doce e moi saboroso.

Cando xa estabamos saíndo de Besalú, despois de longos paseos e de fermosas vistas, descubrimos Cal Tuset, unha magdaleneria, si, si, como ledes, un sitio cheo de magdalenas. E, como supoñedes, non podía marchar de alí sen probar iso! E máis vendo o seu lema:

Magdalenes “Cal Tuset”,
Tan tendres com un nadó. (Tan tenras como un cativo)

Así que mercamos una de chocolate branco rechea de crema de chocolate branco e unha de chocolate negro rechea de crema de chocolate negro. Estaban deliciosas!!! Tenras, esponxosas e a crema de chocolate tiña un sabor intenso e moi rico.



Así que non perdades a oportunidade de probalas! Tamén teñen tenda en Girona, Castellfollit de la Roca, Terrassa, Castelldefels e Vic.

E isto é todo! Agardo que vos gustara e vos animedes a visitar este fermoso lugar.




How lovely gastronomic trips are! I must confess that I’m one of those people who, as the time goes by, sometimes forget the places I’ve been to, but I never ever forget those in which I had an excellent lunch and a better treatment.

Besalú is a place full of sweet tooth people! And this is as true as the high number of patisseries you can find, waiting to satisfy the sweetest of the appetites, such is my case!

Apart from all this, it is a really beautiful and charming place. One of those places you never get tired of walking up and down its streets. The most beautiful thing is, for me, the bridge over the river, so I highly recommend you to come to this place if you ever happen to have an opportunity. I’ll show you a couple of pictures I took during my visit.





Let’s get into the matter! First, I’ll tell you now about the restaurant where we had lunch. It’s called Pont Vell, and it has a magnificient view of the bridge and the river.


While we were waiting for our order, the waiter brought us fresh natural water (tap and really good) and an appetizer which was a salmon mousse with cucumber and beetroot, which loved even those who don’t really like salmon.

As a starter, we asked for some homemade pâtés, one of which was made with pistachio and the other with plum, together with some toasted bread and some butter. The truth is that if you never tasted homemade pâté, it has nothing to do with the other one.

As a main course, we asked for crepe cannelloni stuffed with cod brandade, and a beef entrecôte from Girona. I honestly recommend both of them, the entrecôte for the hungrier ones, because it is very big. The cannelloni were absolutely delicious, and the crepe instead of the usual pasta gave it a special touch. (Sorry for not having pictures of these dishes, but I was busy at eating them!) 😛

But I do have a picture of the dessert. Crema catalana (catalan cream) with wild berries and a carquinyoli (something like toasted bread with almonds, as you can see in the picture)


You can find ‘carquinyolis’ in the patisseries around Besalú. You can also ask for ‘modernistes de Besalú’ (Besalu modernists) which are some little squares with an intense anise flavour, or neules stuffed with chocolate! Yummy! And to drink, a bottle of Ratafia, a sweet liquor made with different spices.

When we were going out of Besalú, after long walks and magnificient views, we discovered Cal Tuset, a muffin shop, yes, exactly as you read it, a shop full of muffins, so I couldn’t leave without trying one of those. Their slogan was:

Magdalenes “Cal Tuset”, (Muffins “Cal Tuset”)
Tan tendres com un nadó. (As tender as a baby)

So, we decided to buy two muffind, one dark chocolate muffin with dark chocolate cream on the inside, and one white chocolate muffin with white chocolate cream on the inside. There were like… wow! Delicious! Tender, fluffy and the cream was incredibly tasty!



You can also find this shop in Girona, Castellfollit de la Roca, Terrassa, Castelldefels and Vic.

And this is all! I hope you love it and that you visit this beautiful place.


  1. Hola!!! Que bonito me parece este sitio. y que buena pinta tiene todo!!!! soy 100% fan tuya!!!! me encanta el blog, poquito a poco lo vas llenando!!!! un beso fuerte!! ah y me encanta que lo escribas en gallego 😉

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