Monstros tolos / Crazy monsters

Monstros tolos


Aquí ven a última receita de Samaín! Uns monstriños toleiráns, virollos e con caras raras, que seguro que os máis pequechos devecerán por eles! Son sinxelos de facer, quedan moi chulos e son ben sabedeiros! Imos aló!


– nubes brancas
– lacasitos pequenos ou smarties
– chocolate branco
– chocolate negro
– boliñas ou fideos de cores
– sticks para cake pops

Preparación paso a paso:

1. Derretemos o chocolate branco e mailo negro no microondas. (Recordade que para que non se nos queime, empregaremos a función de desconxelar no micro).

2. Cravamos as nubes nos sticks para cake pops.

3. Mollamos as nubes no chocolate branco, pero só a parte máis superior.

4. Botamos os fideos ou as boliñas de cores enriba do chocolate para facerlle o pelo.

5. Coa axuda dun pouco de chocolate branco, pegamos os lacasitos a modo de ollos, nariz, orellas…

6. E co chocolate negro e un escarvadentes, pintaremos os ollos, a boca, o nariz…ou todo aquilo que se vos ocorra! E listo! Xa teredes preparados uns monstriños tolos de todo! 🙂


Crazy monsters


The last special Samhain/Halloween recipes! These crazy, strange-face, cross-eyed monsters! I’m sure the little ones will go mad for them! They’re super easy to do, absolutely cute and terribly yummy! Let’s go!


– white marshmallows
– smarties
– white chocolate
– dark chocolate
– sprinkles
– cake pops sticks

Step by step preparation:

1. Melt the white and the dark chocolate in the microwave. (Remember you can do it on the microwave. Just set it in the defrost option to prevent the chocolate from burning).

2. Introduce the stick into the marshmallow.

3. Dip the top of the marshmallow with the white chocolate.

4. Dip it now in the sprinkles to male the hair!

5. Now, with a bit of white chocolate, stick the smarties as eyes, nose, ears…

6. And with the dark chocolate and a toothpick, draw the rest of the details: eyes, mouth, nose…or whatever it may occur to you! And that’s it! Crazy monsters ready to frighten your tables! 🙂

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