Atún macerado / Marinated tuna

Atún macerado


Ás veces hai quen non merca atún porque non sabe como facer para que non quede seco. Pois aquí vos traio a solución! Se maceramos o atún nun chisco de soia e aceite, estará moi suculento e non quedará seco para nada. O ideal sería pedir ou cortar lombos de atún un chisco máis gordiños, para que non quede forte de máis. Sinxelo a tope, non si? Imos aló!


– lombos de atún
– 50 ml de prebe de soia
– 50 ml de aceite de xirasol
– sementes de sésamo

Preparación paso a paso:

1. Cortamos os lombos de atún en anacos. Aquí xa volo deixo ao voso gusto. Desta vez, os meus anacos non eran moi gordiños, mais quedará boísimo sexan como sexan os lombos.


2. Preparamos o prebe mesturando a soia, o aceite e as sementes de sésamo.


3. E bañamos os anaquiños de atún neste prebe ata que estean ben mollamos por ámbolos dous costados. E deixamos na neveira unhas 2 ou 3 horas, remexéndoos de vez en cando para que se maceren ben.


4. Escorremos o atún e fritímolo nunha grella ou tixola ben quente sen nada de aceite. Deixaremos que se fagan polos dous lados, sen fritilo de máis, para que o interior quede un chisco cru e moito máis tenro. E listo!



Unha receitaza moi sinxela, con só 3 ingredientes, que fará que os lombos de atún queden no seu punto, nada secos e cun saboriño diferente.


Marinated tuna


I love fish, and among them all, my favourite is tuna fish. The truth is that if you want to prepare it fried, you can get a piece of dry tuna you will have problems to eat. And the solution is as simple as this, marinate it with some soy sauce and semase or sunflower oil and you’ll get the most succulent and not-dried-at-all tuna ever! You just have to cut tuna fillets a little bit thicker than usual, so the flavour won’t be too strong. Really easy, right? Let’s go!


– tuna fillets
– 50 ml soy sauce
– 50 ml sunflower, sesame or canola oil
– sesame seeds

Step by step preparation:

1. Cut tuna fillets in the way you most like. That’s up to you. Mine were not very thick, but they were as delicious, so try it anyway 🙂


2. Mix soy sauce, oil and sesame seeds until all well integrated.


3. Dip each tuna piece into the soy sauce mixture, trying to get all pieces wet on both sides. Let it marinate dor 2 or 3 hours, mixing them from time to time.


4. Fry each piece in a very hot frying pan or grill pan with no oil. Let them fry on both sides, trying not to overfry and leaving the centre a little bit raw, so it will be really tender and yummy. And that’s it!



A veeery simple recipe, with just 3 ingredients, which will left yout tuna fillets really tender and mooth and with a soy flavour you’ll all love!

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