Flan de ovos caseiro / Homemade crème caramel

Flan de ovos caseiro


Que bo está o flan de ovos e que poucos ingredientes fan falla para que saia ben saboroso! Unha larpeirada lixeira, moi sinxela e que triunfará entre todos os lambonciñxs da casa. Imos ver como se fai!


– 7 ovos L
– 800 ml leite
– 12 culleradas azucre moreno
– caramelo caseiro (receita aquí)

Preparación paso a paso:

1. Batemos os ovos xunto coas 12 culleradas de azucre moreno. Engadimos o leite e batemos de novo. (Agora teremos que ir poñendo o forno a quentar a 200°, con auga na bandexa, para facer o flan ao baño maría).



2. Facemos o caramelo e botámolo no molde onde faremos o flan, repartíndoo ben por toda a base.


3. Engadimos a mestura do flan e poñémolo na bandexa con auga a uns 190° durante aproximadamente 40 minutos.


E listo! O flan sabe mellor ao día seguinte ou pasadas unhas poucas horas, pois así, o flan enchoupase ben de caramelo e está boísimo!


Bo proveito!

**Se vos gustou a receita e a preparades, non vos esquezades de comentar ou sacarlle unha fotiño para poñela no Salón da Fama! Podedes enviar as vosas fotografías a kukinhas@kukinhas.com


Homemade crème caramel


Crème caramel (also called flan or milk flan) is so easy and so delicious it has become a must in many places around the world. If you prepare it, all the sweet teeth at home will go crazy for it! 😉 Let’s see how to do it!


– 7 eggs (L size)
– 800 ml milk
– 12 tablespoons brown sugar
– homemade caramel (recipe here)

Step by step preparation:

1. Beat the eggs together with the brown sugar. Add the milk and beat again until well integrated. (Now it’s time to set the oven, pour some water over the baking tray and heat it at 200°C/400°F).



2. Prepare the caramel and pour it over the mould, spreading it all over the base.


3. Pour the egg mixture over the mould and put it in the baking tray filled with water at around 190°C/390°F for about 40 minutes.


And that’s it! The crème caramel is even better after some hours. Thus, the flan will take up the caramel flavour and it will be delicious!


Enjoy it!

**If you loved the recipe and you prepared it, you can leave a comment or send me a picture to include it in the Hall of Fame! You can send your pictures to kukinhas@kukinhas.com

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